II. " 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙉𝙚𝙬𝙨 "

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09:18, Temple of Wojira

Delja enters the quite big place, where her best friend, Wojira, was currently sleeping on the floor. The woman didn't wake her up, she just lied next to the Serpent, with her leg crossed and her eyes directed to the Sleeping Snake. She smiled, watching her friend as she closes her eyes, thinking about a quick thing, then re-opening them, pointing them to the roof of the Temple. She sighed, not knowing what to think anymore. Delja just wanted the truth about herself, not some hints that were destined to be hidden again after a short amount of time. She just wants to know who she was.
"I swear, Wojira. I just want to understand." The girl whispered, not wanting to wake up the Asleep Serpent. Then her thoughts came to the sailor she met a while ago. Exactly to what he said about her defeating Wojira. This was, and is, what she wanted to know. Delja couldn't believe she once stopped the Giant Storm Spirit, she couldn't believe that this Snake attacked everyone, with absolute no mercy. She seemed so sweet and calm, now. But maybe things aren't always how they look like.
"I wish you could tell me, if once i did defeat you." She said, again, in a low tone of voice.
The young woman carefully caressed the Beast while smiling, watching her closed big blue eyes. She found them gorgeous, as they matched her and Wojira's body colors.
Delja took her knees to her chest, putting her small head between them, still keeping her gaze to Wojira, and then she sighed, tired. She wasn't tired of her life, she was tired of being kept in the dark of everything, especially of things that are related to the Woman.
"Do you know if i'll ever be able to find out the truth about who I was, Wojira?" Her Water-like voice spoke, almost to the verge of a small sob. She just caressed one last time the Sea Serpent's giant, compared to the girl, head. Delja then shot up from her position on the floor, and exited the Great Temple, making sure the "door" was closed once  she was out. She swims away, sighing two more times, closing her eyes, letting the Ocean aim her route.

The Sea was currently in its darkest blue color, Delja kept on going as three quite big whales surrounded her, swimming alongside with the girl. She re-opens her eyes, noticing the animals near her small body, and just smiled at them. They all made a quick eye contact and then wandered around together, exploring the Deep. Delja finally got her mind out from the confused feelings, as she enjoyed her time with her marine friends.

✦ ⸻꒰ ⟡ 。˚✿🐟✿˚。 ⟡ ꒱⸻ ✦

11:35, Merlopia

The Young Woman was now in the city that is a part of her home, without the whales, because they left just minutes before they arrived.
Merlopia is an amazing Sea City, it is the biggest one in the whole Depth, full of generous citizens, aswell as Delja's so-called mother.
She, of course, wasn't her true mom, but the girl liked to call her her that way, as Delja felt like she actually was. The not-so-old woman called her daughter, because she wanted to tell her something really important.
Claire, that was her name, is a normal Merlopian, 3035 years old. She is kind and quite shy, but deeply loving, especially to her daughter, that she loved with her whole heart. She, of course, knew Delja's previous life, but didn't tell her anything about it, as she didn't want to interfere with the whole merging-with-the-sea process. And as long as the young girl could live with the idea of not remembering anything, she was okay. But, maybe, now it was time for the woman to know her past, and it will exactly be her mother to announce it to her.

"You called me, mother?" Claire heard what a water-like voice said, not in a loud tone, but still audible to her ears. She smiled when she heard the words of her beloved daughter, and opening her, before closed, small green eyes, she turns behind and makes her way to the girl. She embraces her in a big sweet hug, as Delja hugs her, too, also smiling. They separate and the 3035 years old woman answers her daughter's previous question, not breaking her smile, as she watches her, too.
"I did. I have exiting news for you, my dear." Claire answers, making the Water girl's attention turn to her, more than before. Delja, in fact, raised her left eyebrow, wanting to know more.
"And what is it, mom? Does it has to do with Wojira?" The woman asks, not thinking what she said, as she, otherwise, thought that the news her mother would tell her would've been related to her past life, before merging with the Endless Sea.
"No, it doesn't. You know, since when you merged with the Great Ocean, you couldn't remember anything from your previous living, right?" The middle-aged woman says, answering Delja's thoughts. The girl watched her with a surprised look, not so sure of what her mother was implying to her.
"Yeah, i do. You told me many times, even if I didn't know about it personally."  The Water-like voice speaks, as Claire nods as a response.
"So, why did you told me this?" Delja asks, not understanding her mother's request to meet her.
"My darling, Delja, with the Merlopian government we decided that it is time for you to find out more about your past self. So you have our permission to go on the Surface to get answers." Claire answered all of her daughter's questions, as Delja watches her with wide eyes, and her mouth open, shocked of what she's just heard. She couldn't believe it, she was actually finally getting her answers. She would've finally known who she was.
Delja watches her mother, so excited that Claire giggled at her reaction, even if the small girl wasn't showing it.
"You'll have a human form, you just need to think about a concrete shape, your water one should be able to keep on enough." Claire said, hoping it will be like she just said, and that her daughter's Water shape won't appear before time's up. Delja, fine with what was just told to her, hugged her mother, who laughed at the girl's sudden move. She hugged back, smiling when seeing her daughter happy. Not that she wasn't happy before, Delja loves her life as one with the Sea, and is absolutely okay with what she decided thousands of years ago, but deep down Claire knew she wanted to find out even a bit of her previous life as an Islander.
They then broke the hug, but not the eye contact, and both their eyes were full of joy and mixed emotions.
"Thank you so much, mother. Please take care of my citizens while I'm gone, and of the Sea's creatures, too. I'll miss you dearly." The Water-Shaped girl said, and her mother could swear she saw a tear fell of her daughter's eye.
"Of course, and I'll miss you too, honey. Stay safe on the Surface." Claire answers back, proud of her beautiful Delja. They greeted eachother, as the girl went out of the home where she and her mother met, just a few seconds ago. She started swimming full of excitement in the whole Ocean, at some time transforming in her Water Dragon form. She then pops out the upper Sea with a pair of dolphins, and they jumped together, just to get back in the Depth after some minutes.
The Dragon made a turn in the bare Water, and when she finished it she was now back to her human-merged shape. Delja was so happy of the news she just got, she was finally about to know her past life, her life on the Island and her defeating Wojira.
"I can't believe i'm actually finding out the truth about myself. This is like a dream coming true." Delja said to herself, wanting to share this discovery with her best friend, Wojira; the girl could've known if she did truly defeat her a long time ago.
So she made her way back to the Sea Serpent's Temple, joyfully swimming, as her hair floats above her head in the light blue Water.

After 30 minutes, she finds herself in the front of the Temple's giant gate.
She opened it, not so loudly, and entered the quiet place, now walking at her bare feet, hair still floating in the now air. She made her way in the not so colourful hallways, admiring every inch of the Temple, even if she knows all of its minimal facet.
Delja finally arrived to where Wojira was currently lying, in her usual space. The Serpent was now awake, watching the girl's eyes, and when she noticed, the woman smiled at the Beast.
She made her way to the Sea Serpent, lowering down to Wojira's height, as Delja caressed her head. The Storm Spirit just kept on watching her friend, noticing that she'll say something important to her, just by the girl's facial expression. So, Wojira slightly lowered her head to her right side, implying the woman that she wanted to know what she had to tell her. When Delja noticed, she smiled and sat in front of the Serpent, still with her eyes directed to her.
A Water Voice spoke, breaking the silence in the Temple, giving the animal the answer she wanted.

"It is time for us to go on the Surface, Wojira."

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