III. " 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙪𝙧𝙛𝙖𝙘𝙚 "

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12:15, Temple Of Wojira

The ancient sea serpent couldn't talk, obviously, but if she could, trust me she would be screaming so much that everyone would hear her.
It was, maybe, the first time for the animal, and also for Delja, to visit the Human's Surface. Of course they could see what was on the upper part of the Sea, but visiting cities? touching the solid ground beneath them? That was surely a new experience. And both of them were so excited that it is impossible to express.

"Oh Wojira, my friend, i still can't believe my mother really gave me the permission to go on the Surface!" said the little woman, as the sea creature had now her head resting on Delja's lap. The beast had her eyes closed, enjoining the warmth of her human-shaped mate, while listening to the squealing sounds the girl emitted whenever she talked about the incoming adventure.
"Can you believe it? We are finally going up there! Do not get me wrong, i deeply love being here, but the curiosity of knowing who I was is surely taking over me." the young princess, as the Merlopians called her, so she just got along with it, said, sighing at the end of her own words, even if she never stopped smiling. She was looking in front of her, watching the blue and green shades of the Temple, as her hand was still caressing the head of the giant creature. The woman truly loves her life under the Ocean, she cares about everything down there. She loves her friends, her beloved mother, her citizens, the sea animals, even the plants like algae! You just name it. But, she was someone before, she was human. She had another family, other friends, fellow citizens that knew her since she was born, and a home. And as people talk a lot, she couldn't help hearing the thousands of stories told about herself, especially when she, apparently, defeated Wojira. Sometimes she even listened to the tales told by someone who knew her real parents, and that is when she found out she was indeed a princess, for real. The majority of the time she only shoved it off, not believing it, or just not wanting to care, but as time went on, she slowly grew to be a silly curious girl. And as days passed by, Delja grew to be an awesome young woman, and her curiosity grew with her. So it is quite normal, as it is for almost everyone, her wish for knowledge about her unknown past.
"I am so excited to share this journey along with you, dear friend." Delja lowered her gaze to watch her old friend, who wasn't moving an inch, but the girl knew she was truly listening to every word that came out of her mouth. The princess smiled a little, bringing her head up to see the water that was emerging from the little pool in the place, the one that leads directly to the outside of the Temple.
She then gently patted the head of Wojira, implying that she wanted to get up, and instantly the animal did as 'requested'. The Serpent then re-positioned, lowering her head once again but this time it was touching the cold ground of her so-called home. She wrapped herself around her long tail, and with her eyes closed, she rested for the time that lasted before she had to bring Delja to the Surface World.
The said woman cracked a smile at her adventure-mate, and she calmly got up on her feet. Adjusting her skirt and giving a last glance to Wojira, she told the latter to wait here while she would prepare the things she needed at her house, and then they could finally begin their trip. After bidding the ancient creature goodbye, Delja jumped in the little space of water in the centre of the Temple, and she was instantly in the Deep.

She swam for a relatively short amount of time, leaded by the ocean current, sometimes waving at some sea animals or at some of her citizens. The woman closed her big blue eyes, letting herself enjoy the tranquillity of the Endless Sea, the one she always called her home, her safe place. The water-like princess did not want to leave, did not want to live, without all this. But she told herself that it would only be a journey of short duration , compared to her lifetime, and she was going up there to find out the truth about herself, not to abandon everything. So Delja continued swimming, thinking of nothing but the calm of the Depth around her, that always helped to reassure the woman, and it worked now, too.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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