Chapter 4: Cars and scars

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Tw: drugs

"Is that your Dads car??" Arizona yells worried

I quickly pull over and jump out of my car and start running towards the scene Arizona following behind me.

"Hey you can't be here!!" We get yelled at by a police officer

"We're doctors!" Arizona yells back as we run though the area looking all over.

The paramedics have 3 patients and are moving them into the different ambulances. We run past each one until I see my a familiar face. I couldn't see his face properly but I knew it was him. It was my Dad.

We both tell the paramedics that were doctors at Grey-Sloan and they let us ride with them to the hospital.

My Dad isn't in good condition, but he's not in the worse. He had to be resuscitated before we came. He has some breaks and blood coming from his head. He isn't conscious but his vitals are good for his condition.

We finally get to the hospital and we meet April and Amelia who are waiting for us.

As soon as we get out of the ambo the paramedics tell them what's happening with my Dad and Arizona grabs my arms and pulls me to the side as I try to get to my Dad and help. I know I'm a peds surgeon but I can still help!
"Y/n you can't treat him! He's family and he's not peds" Arizona keeps a hold of me hugging me while I try get out of her and cry.
"No! I need to talk to him! I need to see him! He needs to be ok! I need to make sure he's ok!" I cry
"Y/n hes being treated by April and Amelia. He's in good hands. He'll be ok." She hugs me more.

I finally give up and just cry into her arms. Then Arizona kissed my head. I can barely sense her doing it but she did. I'm too worked up to do or say anything though.

After a few minutes we go inside and go to the cafeteria. I didn't want to go to the waiting room. It seems to be the place of bad news. I can't deal with it right now.

It's only us in the cafeteria and we just sit there. I feel bad. I let Arizona down and she had to see me having a panic attack and a melt down. I owe her an explanation. I don't want to tell anyone but I don't think she would tell anyone and it's only us here anyways.

"I'm sorry for how I acted today. In the car and before. You deserve an explanation."I looked over at her and she just looked back at me listening.

"Remember when I was switching between foster care and living here with my Dad?" I ask

"Yeah. I do why?" Arizona looks puzzled.

"When I told you years ago that I was in foster care because my Mom was sick and unable to take care of me. I lied. I was in foster care because my Mom and her boyfriend were on drugs at the time." Tears begin to build up in my eyes.
"When I was older they didn't talk to me or anything. Last year, they ran out of money and I was working the same job you have in but New York so I had money. They asked for some and I said no. The next day, her boyfriend crashed his car into my engine to try kill me so they could get all my money. My car lit on fire while I was trying to escape and I've got burn marks all over my legs. I-uh, I was in hospital for half a year. I finally started driving again 2 months ago but I'm still not over it yet." I try to hint that I have PTSD.
It takes a while for me to finish what I'm saying. Tears are running down my face. No matter how hard I'm trying to not cry, I can't help it. It hurts.

"Omg y/n. I-I am so sorry. I don't know what to say" she gets up and hugs you. "How-wh-" She seems so shocked and caught off guard.

"Sorry" I say.

"Why are you sorry?" There are tears forming in her eyes

"Because you had to see me before and now you know what happened and-" I begin to ramble before being interrupted by Arizona pushing her lips against mine.

She kissed me. She retreats slowly.

"Why did you kiss me?" I ask

"Because Ive been wanting to kiss you all day and I couldn't hold it back any longer. And you needed to be kissed to stop your rambling" she smiles.

I go back in to kiss her and hold her face.

"I've been needing to kiss you from collage" I whisper between kisses until we finally break apart from each other.

After a bit, we both get paged to the ER. I think it's for my Dad.

We make our way down and my Dad's awake and well.

"Dad!" I run up to his bed and hug him. "Please don't do that again"

"I won't. I promise." He says back as he embraces me. After a bit he lets me go and notices Arizona next to me. "Arizona! Your here too!" Arizona goes to hug him too.

"Yeah I'm here too!" She laughs.

We all talk and catch up in the hospital room.

They want to keep him overnight just for observation but tomorrow he should be all good to go back home.

After a few hours, Arizona and I leave the ER and go outside.

"I like you y/n. I've liked you since forever. Since college. Maybe could I take you out on a date tomorrow instead of drinks?" Arizona asks nervously
"Really? You liked me in collage?" I laugh
"Yes. A lot" she responds
"I like you too. I liked you then and I like you now Arizona. And yes. You can take me on a date" I laugh
"Ok, great! I'll pick you up after work"
"Can't wait. Although my cars still parked on the side of the road, maybe could you drive me there so I can pick it up and drive home?" I very awkwardly ask
"Yes of course" she replies

Y/n and Arizona Robbins (greys anatomy)Where stories live. Discover now