Chapter 19

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I went out the school gate, it was a chilly afternoon and school was finally over. The breezy air kept hitting my bare arm, I should've not left my jacket at home. I kept thinking of a place to stay since my home was being invaded by my own father, how weird. After walking around to random places for ten minutes, my phone suddenly buzzed at my pocket. It was a message from the hospital, the content calmed me abit.

Katherine Hatheway, this is the hospital. We're informing you about your mother, who is doing very well. She's been attending every meeting and also sharing in all of those meetings, she's been taking her meds seriously too. We found a good time to tell her you visited, she was delighted and worked even harder. We will inform you when you can come and visit, looking at how your mom have improved, we know for sure it will be soon.

It was relaxing to finally know how she was, since I couldn't really see her. I decided to just go back home, it's my place and the one who should be leaving was him. I wasn't really surprise when i saw no one home, either he's out drinking or getting his life back. I cleaned up the place a bit, cleaned a few dishes. I plopped down on the couch, not knowing what to do next. The boys was going to record some stuff with their manager, and i thought it would be best if I wasn't there.

Words been going around saying that Tyson was having a party, I wasn't planning on going but looking at the situation right now maybe i should. So i went up to my bedroom and got ready, putting on make up and a little black dress. I wasn't trying to impress anyone so why try, a party is a good way to make the time go faster. The venue wasn't that far, so walking there didn't kill me. When i arrived the place was packed, well of course it was since Tyson is known for throwing parties. I got in and went straight to where i can get the drink, I wasn't planning to get drunk but i need a few. I was enjoying my drink when i heard someone call my name, a brown haired guy approached me.

" Kat! I never thought you would make it " he said

" well I'm here now " i said shrugging

" don't tell me you forgot my name again " he said chuckling

" nope I didn't Tyson " i said plastering my fake smile

" well are you here alone? Grab a drink and I'll show you around "

I kept my phone close to me incase of emergencies, but the place was amazing. It was huge but not as huge as Brads, it had a pool in the backyard where salivas are being passed from guys and girls. We ended the tour at the guest room balcony, which i might add had the best view yet. It was overlooking the city, since it was night time all the lights were on.

" well that's it " he said leaning on the railing

" nice place you got here, great view too " i said being nice

" yeah, my mom chose it for me " he said

" so this is your own place?" I asked

" if it wasn't, i will never throw so much party right? " he said laughing, i faked a chuckle and drank my drink. After an awkward silence my phone rang, i checked the caller ID and it was Connor. I excused my self and went to the guest bathroom before picking up the phone.

" hello? " i asked

" thank god you picked up " he sounded relief

" what's wrong? "

" here's the thing, we were supposed to record some stuff with our manager. We had to meet here 30 minutes ago but Brad never showed up, we tried calling him but he never picked up. Is he with your right now? " he asked sounding worried

" no he's not with me, but I'll try to find him " i said before hanging up, i tried to calm myself down and not think about millions of horrible things that could happen.

" hey i have to go " i said to Tyson, he turned around

" why, whats wrong? " he asked

" it's nothing but i have to go" i said walking towards the door, but he reached it before me

" well if nothing is wrong why can't you stay " he said

" because i have to go now move " i said sternly, he grabbed my wrist when i tried to reach the knob

" if you're going to that boyfriend of yours, that's stupid. What does he have that interest you so much, since clearly i look way better then him. " he said, i was getting pissed and worried for Brad and myself

" the one thing you don'thave, which is respect " i said before bringing my knee up and hit him in the groin, he grunted and fell to the ground. It was a perfect time to ran, i walked back to the party and made my way towards the door. The crowd wasn't helping with my escape, but i finally made it out.

I just ran and ran towards the place i thought Brad might be, it's not like him to not show up so he's obviously stuck somewhere. My foot were sore by the time i reached his home, it's still weird how the boys didn't check his home but i ignored that since there was bigger problems. I knocked the huge white door and waited, after a few minutes someone finally opened it.

" oh god now its the girl " said Brads mom as soon as she opens it " can't you guys leave us alone, first the boys and now its the hooker "

" so clearly he's here right? " i said trying to cover my anger, which was totally not working

" yes he's here, but no you can't take him anywhere "

" why? He has important things to do " i said

" important things? " she laughed, which sounded like a dying seal " he's singing in a band that sucks, they have never even make money, clearly it's not that important. Now if you'll excuse us, we have important things to do " after that she closed the door, she dare closed the door in my face.

I wasn't giving up since clearly that woman is nuts, so i turned around the house a bit. When i found what i was looking for, i started to get to work. I knew where Brads room was and the guest room after my little stay, so i climbed the tree that was close to the guest bedroom balcony. It wasn't that hard climbing it since I've been doing it alot, I wasn't surprised that the balcony door was locked. I took out a hair pin from my hair, learning how to pick a lock came in handy when i was young and it's coming in handy now too.

I made my way towards his room, which was obviously locked. After picking the lock, i made my way inside to a dark room. I started to think he wasn't in here, but then i saw his curly brown hair. He was sitting on the floor and leaning his back on the bed, he was strumming his guitar. I made my way towards him, he nearly screamed when he saw me so i covered his mouth.

" shhhhh, or your crazy mom will strangle me " i said laughing a bit

" Kat, what are you doing here. Actually how did you get in here " he said after i removed my hand

" i have my ways, why are you here? " i asked

" I'm not answering that, I'll sound like a girl " he said

" i heard you scream like a girl, so I don't think this will change anything " he kept quiet after that " fine I won't push you, but your band mates are waiting "

" they called you? " he asked after a few minutes, i nodded " and you came here looking? " i nodded again " well i guess I'll just have too loose all of my dignity, my parents went crazy. They came home after a trip for their business and i was about to leave for the studio, they were arguing like usual. Then they saw me and asked where i was going and stuff like why was i still working with the band, they think the band wasn't going to work and they need someone too pick their job when they're gone. Obviously i fought back, my dad grabbed my guitar and smashed it, luckily i had another one that James gave me. After that my dad just pushed me in here, grabbed my phone and locked it. I couldn't really go anywhere since there was not tree near my balcony, and i had no keys. Now go on and laugh, call me a girl and leave " he said with no amusement in his voice, i just looked at him before kissing his cheek and hugged his torso.

" you're not a girl Brad, just because you couldn't escape doesn't mean you suck. Besides you've survived living for 19 years with your parents, i think that takes alot " i said, he chuckled before kissing my head

" you're seriously the best " he said

" i would love to stay here, but we have to leave "

" lead the way miss " he said giving me his cheeky smile

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