Chapter 8 : Love is in the air

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I showed Sieun everything then I took some rest. Couldn't hang out with Yunjin cause I felt kinda exhausted.

Just another day at the Hybe building. I was walking through the hallway and I saw Sieun and Yeonjun talking. Sieun was laughing and smiling.This girl looks more pretty while smiling. Yeonjun looked like he was having the convo of his life. Well, I can't deny the fact that Sieun has a great sense of humour but also is very very polite. I have spent only 2 hours with her and that's all I can confirm. She is two years older than me.
The thing I really like about her is she's cool with everything.

"You see that girl?"

"Hmm." Sieun replied.

"I shouldn't say mean things about her but to be honest with u... she's kinda.." I was searching for a polite word to describe her.

"Well , she looks bitchy ."

"Yeaaa she is. Lol I was searching for a more polite word yk"

"Its alright with me. I don't mind anything." She giggled.

When Sieun looked away for some seconds, yeonjun finally noticed me and winked at me.
I waved at him. I closed my eyes and bit my lower lip while a smile curled up.

Then I sat in the makeup room and started to scroll through my phone.

On text:

Yeonjun :
Hiiii! Let's meet on the rooftop?

Alrighty. When?

After 10 mins?

Ok. Will be right there.


I went on the rooftop and saw Yeonjun waiting for me with his hands in his pockets.
When he noticed me, he spread out his arms to hug me. I hugged him back tightly.

"What do u wanna talk about?" I asked.

"Nothing much. Just I don't want people to know...that we are dating.." he hesitately said.

I felt kinda...upset about it, but it was for our own good. He has a wonderful career now and If it gets ruined because of me. Because of just us dating...I could never forgive myself. I want to be known as his girlfriend, but probably later, when everything gets a bit settled and we are ready to face the company, fans , people etc.

"I don't mean it that way... it's just you know, I just debuted. This is the start of my dream career and I don't want to ruin it." He said and cupped my face.

"I really really love you. I love you so much it hurts. I'm scared of everything. But I know we can get through it. But , Its still too early Rein. We have to wait a bit. "

I looked at him. Wanting to hug him so tightly. I know it will be really hard on him if we go public right now.

"Yes. I think it'll be for our own good , Yeon. You are right. I agree. Don't worry it doesn't matter. I still have you and that matters. I love you." I said and pecked his lips.

From The Very First Day--/ Yeonjun/Txt FFWhere stories live. Discover now