Chapter 1 - Return to Hogwarts

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It was a hot and stifling summer day. In a few days, classes were set to resume, and the corridors of the castle would be filled with the bustle and echoes of lively conversations about the students' exciting summer adventures. However, through the window, the clouds were menacing, thick, and dark. A storm seemed to be looming on the horizon. Raindrops had already begun to pound heavily against the windows of the Headmaster's office, or rather, the Headmistress' office.

"Well done, everything seems to be in order, Miss Evans," conveyed the new Headmistress, Matilda Weasley. After my departure from the castle, Headmaster Black had resigned following accusations from the Ministry of Magic regarding his forbidden involvement with Hogwarts students. Consequently, Professor Weasley had accepted the position.

Her aquiline nose was buried in a stack of papers I had brought, supporting my request to return to Hogwarts four years after completing my studies there. "It's indicated here that you spent three years at the Advanced School of Magical Medicine and Care in Toronto?" she added, her eyebrows furrowing.

"Yes, that's correct. Is there an issue?" I asked, leaning forward in my chair, examining the papers myself.

"No, none," she assured me, leaning back in her chair with a sigh. She rested her elbows on the armrests of her imposing chair and looked at me over her glasses, her inquisitive and piercing gaze fixed upon me. "Miss Evans—"

"Katherine," I interjected suddenly, blushing as I realized I had interrupted her. "You can call me Katherine."

"Well, Katherine," a smile spread across her face. "You pursued these studies to become a doctor, excelled in them, and were able to join the most prestigious magical hospital in North America, in Toronto."

I nodded sadly, realizing where she was leading. "You are more than qualified to have an exceptional career and become a great doctor." She took a pause to bring her tea cup to her lips, taking a sip before moistening her lips with her tongue. "Why did you give up all of that to become a mere nurse at Hogwarts?"

I took a deep breath, and my eyes closed briefly. Cries of despair, a sea of blood on the floor, and a woman screaming in agony, her child burned in her arms.

"Katherine?" Headmistress Weasley gently inquired. I abruptly opened my eyes, trying to push those images from my mind and refocus on our conversation. A concerned expression was fixed on Matilda Weasley's face; she had approached her desk, folding her hands on it.

"I didn't find what I was looking for there," I responded, realizing how dry my throat had become. I brought the tea cup to my lips and took a sip in turn. The tea was still quite hot, and I took a moment to appreciate the sensation of the liquid flowing down my throat.

"I always felt that Hogwarts was my home." I continued, placing the tea cup back on the desk. "I found my place there, friends, and I was happy. I couldn't found that in Canada. It's my country, and I'm deeply attached to it. But my place is here."

Her eyes narrowed, and she looked at me as if trying to probe my mind, to determine whether I was telling her the whole truth or not. I averted my gaze shamefully, aware that I was intentionally withholding information that I wasn't ready to reveal to anyone. Nervously, I fidgeted in my chair, feeling an uncomfortable tingling and warmth along my back as she stood up.

"Well, Katherine Evans, we would be honored to have you back in Hogwarts," she extended her hand, and I hurried to shake it, rising from my seat in turn. The pressure immediately lifting, replaced by a profound sense of relief.

"Thank you so much, Prof... Headmistress Weasley," I replied awkwardly, nearly knocking over my tea cup on the desk as I settled back into my chair, mimicking her.

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