Chapter 10 - An Unexpected Visit

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Two week had passed since our last argument in the potion's classroom. Since then, I had done everything in my power to avoid him. I had stopped attending meals in the Great Hall, taking refuge in my heavy workload, which was compounded by the autumn illnesses that were beginning to affect the students.

Private potions lessons in the dungeons had also been suspended at my request. I had informed the Headmistress that my workload was too demanding, and I couldn't continue attending. The skeptical glare she had given me during that announcement made it clear she didn't entirely believe in my explanation.

However, this week had been much easier to endure. Despite the exhausting workload and the special care I had to provide to James, the student with eye injuries, I had finally been able to gain some perspective on my situation, even if I still harbored a lot of resentment towards Sharp, and understanding him was proving difficult.

My gaze shifted to the letter resting on my desk for a moment, distracting me from my work.

Miss Evans,

I'm expecting you in my office tonight with Professor Sharp at 6 pm.

Don't be late,

Matilda Weasley.

All day, I couldn't stop pondering the mysterious content of that letter. Why did she want to see both of us? Had the student Sharp had a confrontation with spoken up? Had she gotten wind of our recent strained interactions?

Sighing, I placed my quill on my desk and looked up at the clock hanging on the wall. I didn't have much time left before I had to go.

I stood up and stretched, trying to stifle a yawn of fatigue. Every muscle in my body ached. I was the sole provider of care and attention to the students. Of course, Daisy assisted me as much as she could, but she wasn't always available, only in the afternoons. But the rest of the time, she was in the herbology greenhouses assisting Mirabel with magical plant care. Therefore, I handled the most challenging tasks, which often occurred in the mornings.

Additionally, my sleep pattern was erratic. When I wasn't awakened by sick students or professors in need of potions and care they didn't dare request during the day, I was tormented by nightmares. Memories of the hospital's tragedies were still vivid in my mind and haunted me constantly. These, along with the traumas from my years at Hogwarts, continued to have a significant impact on my mental health.

After my latest report on the state of supplies, Sharp had cut off my access to his private storeroom and had taken back the key he had entrusted me with at the beginning of the year. According to him, my consumption of the sleeping potion was too excessive, and I was at risk of long-term negative effects.

While I acknowledged the validity of his decision, I couldn't help but harbor some resentment towards him. He knew that by this action, he was subjecting me to distressing nightmares, yet he hadn't hesitated to take away the one source of relief I had.

Throughout the week, I had endured restless nights, and I had no one to blame but myself. Consequently, the impending meeting with Matilda and Sharp didn't fill me with anticipation. I would have much preferred to unwind and indulge in the professors' bathroom, which housed an enormous bathtub, much larger than the one in the prefects' bathroom.

Resigned, I walked over to my dresser to change. I was still wearing my nurse's uniform, and although I longed to put on my nightwear, it seemed more appropriate to wear something simpler and comfortable.

Randomly selecting a dress from my wardrobe, I removed my apron and hung it on a wall hook. Then, I unfastened my long brown robe and discarded the corset that had been constricting my chest. Taking a deep breath, I appreciated the ability to breathe normally again.

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