Chapter 22 - Reunite

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After what felt like an eternity, he composed himself and directed his attention to a first-year student who was tugging at his coat for notice.

"Mr. Walsh, if you don't release my coat immediately, I will have to send your parents the repair fees," Sharp intervened firmly, attempting to restore order in the corridor. Yet, a faint smile reappeared on his face.

I purposely kept my distance, taking a moment to observe him. He seemed freshly arrived, with his leather suitcase still resting on the ground beside him. He was dressed impeccably in his signature black attire, a long coat accentuating his white shirt, and pants cinched at the waist by his snake-buckle leather belt that I had loosened myself a few weeks ago.

A shiver coursed through my body at the memory, and I leaned against the wall behind me, a move that didn't escape Sharp's notice. He fixed me with a piercing gaze and furrowed his brow with concern.

"Alright, now all of you, head to your dormitories and get some rest," he asserted authoritatively. "If the corridors aren't empty within the next 2 minutes, I will deduct 10 points for each student found outside."

"But sir... you're not going to deduct points from your own house, will you?" inquired a student, appearing indignant.

"Wanna bet, Cameron?" he retorted, arms outstretched, encouraging the students to move along.

"No, sorry, sir," the student replied and hurriedly made his way to the Slytherin common room, followed closely by the other students who continued to cheer in delight for the return of their professor.

Sharp accompanied them through the corridors, and I remained alone in front of the Potions classroom, patiently awaiting his return. I seized the opportunity to try and calm the frantic beating of my heart, which was nearly unbearable in my chest.

Just as I was beginning to regain a normal breathing rhythm, his voice echoed through the corridors once more. "10 points deducted from Slytherin, Miss Scott, as I warned you."

His announcement was followed by the sound of hurried footsteps that quickly faded as the students retreated as swiftly as possible. Sharp reappeared in the corridor, and without sparing me a glance, he retrieved his bag and entered the Potions classroom.

"Are you coming?" he called out, heading toward the back of the room.

A smile broke across my face, and I followed after him, closing the door behind me. Being in the same room as him after weeks apart stirred conflicting emotions within me.

The intense desire to be in his arms and apologize for my behavior during our last encounter was overwhelming. However, the fear of rejection and the determination to confront him about his extended absence prevented me from taking action.

Failing to make a decision, I remained silently in the middle of the room, watching him get settled. He removed his long coat and hung it on a hook on the wall near his round table, where he had placed his leather travel bag.

He then made his way to the shelf by the window, concealed behind a variety of potion vials, with several hidden bottles of alcohol. He picked up a glass and poured a measure of whisky into it.

Afterward, he moved towards the table still holding Professor Reed's belongings and seated slowly. Leaning back in his chair, his expression remained impassive as he focused his gaze on me. He stretched his injured leg before him and shifted the other aside, reaching for his whisky glass. He raised it in my direction before bringing it to his lips, emitting a sigh of contentment.

I closely observed each of his actions and gestures, trying to discern any trace of emotion or anger he might be concealing. Yet, he remained unyielding in my presence, except for a subtle quiver at the corner of his lip.

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