Chapter 20 - Parting ways

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The unease that accompanies a first night in a foreign bed had been a lifelong companion. Since my childhood, adjusting to a new environment had been a perpetual challenge.

This inner turmoil played out as restless and tumultuous nights, during which I'd toss and turn within the bedsheets in a quest for sleep. My years at Hogwarts had been the most joyful period of my life, and I had slowly cultivated a feeling of belonging to what had transformed into my sanctuary. However, as night descended and I found myself within the chilly linens of my Ravenclaw dormitory bed, all of that serenity vanished.

During those endless hours, I'd find myself exposed and vulnerable to the nocturnal specters. My anxieties and fears would manifest before me, paralyzing my senses. They'd pursue me like a vulnerable prey within a forest teeming with threats, slowly and mercilessly subjecting me to torment, seemingly deriving satisfaction from my suffering.

Upon concluding my time at Hogwarts, my nightmares had accompanied me across the Atlantic, the dark shadows and specters of my mind haunting my sleep each night. My respite had come through the discovery of Dreamless Sleep potion, shielding me from these nocturnal terrors and creatures.

Nonetheless, I had left behind any such potions. Our departure had been abrupt, and I had pledged to Sharp not to use them. Thankfully, these apparitions hadn't followed me here.

Except for the vivid memory that had intruded upon me the prior morning in Arlette's office, my demons had refrained from invading my thoughts, providing me with a semblance of peace and tranquility. Regrettably, that tranquility didn't extend to my waking hours.

As I struggled to open my eyes on this particular morning, I observed the notable absence beside me. I lay on my stomach, identical to the position I'd fallen asleep in the evening prior, save for my head no longer resting against his chest but upon a feather pillow, still carrying his captivating scent.

A lengthy, contented sigh escaped me as I gently stretched, my hand sliding beneath the pillow, drawing it closer to my nose. A smile adorned my face, while a profound sense of serenity enveloped my heart. A warmth emanating from my lower abdomen served as a poignant reminder of the intensity of the previous night in that chamber.

I buried my face within the pillow and allowed a cry of jubilation to escape, accompanied by a surge of love that radiated from my heart, coursing through the very fibers of my being, provoking an indescribable euphoria.

Everything felt different this morning. I finally mustered the courage to rise from the bed and stretched once more, acutely aware of the soreness in my muscles, a stark reminder of my encounter with Bruce Winchester the previous day. I allowed my dress to gracefully slip to the floor, the gentle caress of the fabric against my skin recalling the way Sharp's hands had touched and possessed me the night before.

A soft cry escaped my lips, prompting me to hasten into a well-deserved, scalding bath, seeking solace and relief in the hot water against my aching body.

Each movement bore a distinct quality this morning, and I felt transformed. The desolate and wretched Katie of the previous day, with a shattered heart, had suddenly learned to smile genuinely. Today, nothing could tarnish the happiness that filled my heart.

Or so I thought.

Upon arriving at the hospital, I proceeded to the front desk to sign the daily attendance register, a ritual for all hospital staff each morning. Among the signatures, I noticed Sharp's, and my heartbeat quickened.

"Excuse me, miss?" the lady at the desk interrupted, stepping closer to me.

"Yes?" I replied, raising my head, a radiant smile gracing my face.

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