Chapter 1: The First Sign of Trouble

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 "... so the Jiang sect will send a group of disciples to the Yao territory, they should arrive in two days" Jiang Cheng explained whilst walking out of the meeting room.

"As previously discussed the Lan sect is already present at the scene but the Jiang sect's assistance is much appreciated" Lan Qiren responded. The older man turned his attention forward, sighing as he did. Jiang Cheng steeled himself, expecting to see the annoyance he had so far managed to avoid during his visit to the cloud recesses.

But to his surprise the person to catch his attention was not Lan Qiren's least liked person, it was one of his favorites. Ahead of them was sect leader Lan, who after a yearlong seclusion had recently started participating in official sect work once more. It had been quite a surprise to them all that he had returned after such a short break. The many truths which had been revealed at Guanyin temple had left the man broken. Having lost both his sworn brothers and had the dagger of betrayal twisted in his back.

You would have expected such a man to come back wounded and unable to trust. Unwilling to protect anyone he didn't have complete trust in. That's what Jiang Cheng would have done, but sect leader Lan had done quite the opposite. Returning kinder and more generous than ever. Unselfishly helping whatever soul was willing to reach out to him for support. All the while wearing his usual gentle and polite smile.

Over the past few days Jiang Cheng had overheard plenty of the conversations sect leader Lan had carried out with a myriad of people. He had heard out their concerns for which support had immediately been offered. Once people caught wind of this phenomenon it had led to even more officials approaching him. It would have been one thing if the people he was helping out were those living in the Lan territory, as he could partially be considered responsible for them. But that wasn't the case, at least not for all of them.

The people willing to do such dishonorable acts were all from such minor sects, with little honor to lose. As such Jiang Cheng did not recognize most them. And even the ones he did recognize he could not name. But he did know that not all of them were from the Lan territory because he had been able to identify some of them as citizens of Yunmeng. Jiang Cheng was not happy about this. His people going to another sect leader for support sent out a very bad message.

Our own sect leader is not competent enough to support us.

It didn't matter that their actions were carried out as a result of greed. All of them were like sharks sensing the sect leader's bleeding heart and willingness to assist. Jiang Cheng could not permit this to go on any longer.

"I'll take care of it" Jiang Cheng announced to Lan Qiren who raised an eyebrow at the sect leader who was usually unwilling to offer help out of the kindness of him heart. But he did not voice his surprise. Instead he nodded his head in gratitude. Stomping as he went Jiang Cheng quickly approached and did what he did best. Acted as a people repellant.

"Sect leader Lan" he spoke and with a single glare at the two men behind the Lan scurried away leaving him alone with his fellow sect leader.

"Sect leader Jiang, can I help you with anything?" Again with the helping. If you want to help me so badly, then stop. That would be a great help.

"It is about a matter I'd rather not discuss with so many eyes watching" Jiang Cheng looking around at the meeting participants who had yet to scatter.

"Of course, how about having our discussion over a cup of tea?" Zewu-jun offered.

Jiang Cheng accepted the invitation and followed the older man as he led him to his study. This was not the first time Jiang Cheng visited Hanshi, but it wasn't something that had ever happened on a regular basis. Obediently he sat down as indicated and waited for the Lan to return. Looking out one of the windows he saw bamboo swaying lightly in the wind. Perhaps the reason Zewu-jun had it planted was because of the calm it instilled as one watched its movements. It didn't take long for sect leader Lan to return with the teapot.

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