Chapter 2: Truly a Cause For Concern

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Clearly Jiang Cheng's hope had been for nothing because the next day, before the meeting even began, the same thing happened again. More officials approached him. And left smiling, undoubtedly having received a positive response. As soon as the first meeting was over Jiang Cheng did not waste a single second, immediately inviting sect leader Lan out for lunch claiming to have heard of this great new place in Gusu.

"Does sect leader Jiang want my assistance?" Stop offering your assistance to everyone who asks! Jiang Cheng's blood boiled, but he pushed it down intending to stay civil.

"Can I not simply be interested in companionship?" It wasn't like Jiang Cheng had any friends anymore. Most of them had been from the Jiang sect, from before he rebuilt it. Outside of that he could only really name Nie Huaisang, but they had slowly grown apart as Wei Wuxian was no longer there keeping them together. Having spent the past thirteen years looking for the ever-returning cockroach that is his brother he hadn't had time to form any new friendships.

Jiang Cheng supposed the same could be said about the man in front of him. His sworn brothers were no more and being stuck in seclusion there wouldn't have been may opportunities. Though Jiang Cheng did not doubt that he would be able to make friends with ease. Who would not like the charming sect leader Lan.

"Someone looking for companionship would likely not make such a face" Zewu-jun pointed out having caught the scowl on Jiang Cheng's face.

"Helping others always comes at a price." Jiang Cheng warned making his thoughts known. The downfall of the Jiangs had been brought on by Wei Wuxian's desire to help the Wens.

Thinking this more explicit warning was sufficient Jiang Cheng let the scowl fall and leaned back. Genuinely enjoyed the time he spent with Lan Xichen. Allowing himself to act as if though he really was looking for companionship. The Lan was a great conversation partner, attentive and asking questions when appropriate, but never stepping over any boundaries. They spoke of the times Jiang Cheng brought his nephew along with him when he was younger.

The baby had kicked and screamed rarely staying silent. He had disturbed many a meeting with his crying. He hadn't yet outgrown the kicking and screaming but nowadays the brat would rather be caught dead than to be found crying. Although an amusing thought Jiang Cheng would rather not inform the youth that many of the older cultivators had already seen and heard it many times over.

Jiang Cheng felt light as they ascended the road leading back to the cloud recesses. He had very much enjoyed talking to Lan Xichen. Which was hardly surprising considering his conversation partner was the most approachable and likable person he had ever met. But there was certainly a limit to how agreeable a person should be.

Over the next few days it happened again and again and again. Leaders of smaller sects approached the Lan and leaving looking rather content. Each person lighting another match which fueled the inferno growing ever stronger inside sect leader Jiang's chest.

Being the sect leader of one of the four biggest sects in the cultivation world a lot of responsibility fell on the Lans. If their sect leader spending all their time helping minor sects in any way hindered him from taking care of said responsibilities it would befall on the other three. Which means more work for Jiang Cheng, who was already swamped with work as he was still educating and helping his nephew with his sect work. The past year had been bad enough.

Lan Qiren had been the representative of the Lans but there had still been additional burden put on sect leader Jiang's shoulders. Burdens put on him not only from the Lan sect but the Nie sect and Jin sect as well. Jin Ling was still in need of his uncle's assistance and the headshaker was as useless as ever. Jiang Cheng had been ecstatic at the news of sect leader Lan's return and he was determined to not let the only capable ally he had slip though his fingers.

And so outside of the meetings Jiang Cheng was glued to the other sect leader's side, sending glares at anyone who was feeling brave enough to dare approach them. But this was merely a temporary solution. After all, he couldn't remain by his side forever and it was soon time for him to return to Yunmeng. He needed Zewu-jun to protect himself. With only one day left he set up a plan.

What was the best way of getting someone to stop accepting every request thrown at them? Let them experience the consequences of said actions. Jiang Cheng did not wish for the extinction of the Lan sect, nor did he feel like such measures were necessary to complete his plan. Being an annoyance to the point of leaving a lasting impact should be sufficient. Channeling the energy of the most annoying person he knew he waited for the perfect moment to strike.

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