Chapter 6: Marriage?

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Jiang Cheng was certain his face was bright red. When his brother closed the door, it was like a spell was lifted. He was suddenly able to speak and move again.

"I'm sorry" he apologized to the man underneath him as he got off "I'll make sure to keep him from jabbering". Extending his hand, Jiang Cheng offered the headband back without looking at him. He'd taken things too far and now it could even affect the Lan's reputation, he was ashamed.

"And what if I don't mind?"

"You can't just let something like this go. This will be a massive hit to your reputation. Aren't you planning on getting married soon? If this gets out... what if you can't find a good match?" Lan Xichen was not getting younger, despite his looks being as stunning as ever.

"In that case I guess we're both screwed" His own marriage hadn't even crossed his mind. He was already blacklisted, but this would certainly make his chances of finding someone even slimmer.

"There's only one solution to this problem" to make sure this never gets out.

"you should marry me"

Jiang Cheng looked up at two bright honey-colored eyes. Believing he had misheard the Lan.


"Jiang Cheng, will you marry me?"

What do you even respond to such a thing. In the past, far in the past, before he'd gone sour as Wei Wuxian would say, he had gotten plenty of confessions. Women claiming they fancied him, a few had even proposed marriage. Mostly because of his position, his riches, some even his looks. But what could sect leader Lan possibly want from him? His position was higher than that of sect leader Jiang. He had plenty of riches and as the most good-looking eligible bachelor of the cultivation world he could practically marry whoever he wanted. There was no lack of beautiful women wanting the position by his side. That would not change as long as Jiang Cheng could make Wei Wuxian shut his trap.

But even if he didn't. Who would believe sect leader Lan could want him, that he'd settle for someone like the frosty Sandu Sengshou. Rumors could easily be manipulated. No one would think twice if the truth was twisted to say that sect leader Jiang had been influenced by his brother. A dirty cutsleeve who had thrown himself over sect leader Lan. That's what they would all say. He should be worried, but Jiang Cheng felt nothing but relief. Regardless of his brothers actions, the outcome was the same: Lan Huan was safe.

But that didn't change the words Lan Xichen had just spoken. Had he been the one influenced by Wei Wuxian? Or maybe it was Lan Wangji? Still not fully comprehending what was going on Jiang Cheng turned his head. Perhaps it was a joke? If it was, it wasn't very funny. But who would expect a Lan to have a sense of humor. Yes, Lan Huan was smiling. But it didn't seem to be out of amusement. Nor was it the gentle polite smile he commonly wore. It was a much softer asymmetrical smile, which filled Jiang Cheng's chest with a light warmth. A smile you simply couldn't look away from, a genuine smile.

"You're cute when you look like that" Huh? Cute? His features was sharp, almost as much so as his tongue. He'd been called many things: cruel, abominable, arrogant, ... and even if you were to look at the 'positive' descriptors none of them came even close to cute. Handsome, perhaps but not cute. Had the cover not been enough, did Lan Xichen catch a fever from sleeping on the cold floor?

Placing a hand on his forehead he sensed nothing out of the ordinary. He was perhaps a little warm, but he assumed that to be due to the light blush that tinted Lan Huan's pretty cheeks. And if this could be considered a fever, then Jiang Cheng himself should be taken to a hospital, for his life-threatening condition.

"You also looked cute when you worried about me earlier. That's why I kept offering my assistance to everyone" Lan Xichen took the hand which was resting on his forehead and placed a small kiss on it. "I went overboard. I'm sorry I worried you so" Overwhelmed by the touch Jiang Cheng was unable to think straight.

"I wasn't worried, I was simply doing my duty as a sect leader." What a fucking lie. Who'd be convinced by such bullshit, not even Jiang Cheng himself believed it. But what else could he say? Was it not true originally, perhaps not. He had been worried, but not as sect leader Jiang but as Jiang Cheng. He could manage the additional sect work, what he couldn't manage was the agonizing thought of sect leader Lan being taken advantage of.

"All of the things you did were out of duty?" Lan Xichen asked sounding rather amused. Committed to the lie, no matter how silly, Jiang Cheng simply nodded his head.

"So you slept in my bed out of duty. Called me by my given name out of duty. And even touched my headband out of duty?" Jiang Cheng wanted to sink through the floor. "That sounds less like the duty of a sect leader and more like the duty of a husband, don't you think?"

It really did. "Mmm" A swift peck was placed on his forehead, sending another flurry of anxiety through Jiang Cheng. Lan Huan had not been joking. There was no way anyone could take a joke this far, not even Wei Wuxian would have done so. And Lan Huan was million times better. Wanting to hide he pushed his face back into the Lan's broad chest.

"Lan Huan, once we're married you can't back out"

"I'll take that as a yes then" Jiang Cheng could hear the delighted smile in his voice.

"I wont allow you to leave me"

"I wouldn't want to" He was going to regret those words. Jiang Cheng was certain of it. But as long as he stayed, Jiang Cheng would do anything in his power to make sure it was worth it. But before then he had something very important to do.

"But I won't allow Wei Wuxian to be the one announcing it" Only the heavens knows what kind of weird tales his brother would spin. Standing up he was ready to chase after his brother.

"Perhaps you should get dressed first" his now fiancé pointed out. Looking down he realized he was still only wearing the Lan's inner robes. Nodding he handed the headband to Lan Huan. As it left his hand he slightly regretted it. Was it not his now? But as much as he loathed to part with it he also couldn't allow his future husband to be walking around without it headband.

He rushed to get dressed. Once done he allowed Lan Huan to adjust it, making sure he looked presentable. Lan Huan had a mirror hanging on the wall of his study. In it the two of them were reflected, standing side by side.

"Looks perfect" he said looking at the reflection. Only he wasn't looking at himself. It was no wonder Lan Huan was named the number one most handsome gentleman in the entire cultivation world. His features were soft yet masculine. He looked approachable and kind, but you could still sense the power he possessed, and it made Jiang Cheng feel a deep sense of security. Standing here he knew he was safe.

"Almost, turn around. Your hairband has comeloose" After a small fix Jiang Cheng was ready to go chase after his brother,who had left long enough ago that could very well have told all of Gusu at thispoint. But that didn't mean it wasn't worth trying to catch up to him. Eitherhe could stop the rumors before they spread, or he could make sure his brotherdied a slow painful death... again. Seemed like a win-win.

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