Chapter 3: Mission Failed

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As the sun set Jiang Cheng got ready set his plan into action. He knocked on the door of Hanshi. Not long after a perplexed Lan Xichen opened the door. Not many would come knocking at his door at this time, not unless there was an emergency.

"Jin Ling locked me out of the room. I'll be sleeping here tonight"

Lan Xichen was baffled. Jiang Cheng hoped this would be enough, it was a truly unacceptable demand. At best he would be offered other accommodation. Though this would not be enough, he would need to make more demands as they went there.

"If you insist" This time it was Jiang Cheng's turn to be baffled as Lan Xichen opened the door further, allowing him entry. This was bad, he hadn't considered the possibility of being invited in. But it was too late to back down now. Hesitantly he took a step inside. It looked the same as it had the other day. All of the Lan's equipment still neatly organized, nothing out of place. Except for him, he should not be there.

Lan Xichen walked past him and led him to a door at the back of the study. The door to his bedroom. This wasn't right. He must be joking right? But as much as he wanted that to be true, Lan Xichen was not that kind of person. Jiang Cheng knew that well enough, this was no joke. Better hurry and get thrown out as soon as possible. Before he could set foot in the other's bedroom he made yet another demand.

"Lan Huan, lend me a spare set of inner robes" It wasn't like he could sleep in the ones he was currently wearing. He hadn't actually expected to be allowed inside and so he had brought nothing with him. He hadn't expected the Lan to throw the door in his face leaving him to deal on his own, but he also hadn't expected to be let inside. The man hadn't even resisted. Had his brain rotted in seclusion? His body might have recovered but perhaps mentally he hadn't. Why would Lan Qiren allow him to return in such a state? Was he that desperate to get away from the added duties?

Lan Xichen hadn't moved or reacted since he had made the request. Channeling his brother's shamelessness Jiang Cheng waltz past him pretending to be the one living here, trying to stoke the fire further.

It was incredibly inappropriate for him to be here, and even more so for him to call sect leader Lan by his given name. Thinking about it, not even Lan Wangji called him by his given name. The Lan was still frozen in place, had this been a step to far? He didn't want to break the man, perhaps he should apologize? But before he could act on that thought the man seemingly regained his senses.

"I'll be right back..." his words rushed as he darted to get away from him. Yes, it had been too much. Should he just leave? This had been a foolish idea from the start, in what way would this help sect leader Lan? But part of him didn't want to. He was currently standing in a place none other than Lan Xichen had ever visited. It was quite thrilling, perhaps this was his only chance to visit such a forbidden place.

As fast as he had left the Lan returned carrying a set of white robes in his hands. Jiang Cheng thanked the man as he was offered the clothing. And then they just stood there, an awkward silence hanging over them. Jiang Cheng twisted Zidian, a self-soothing habit he had gained the instant the ring was first slotted onto his finger. Finally realizing why the silence had occurred the other spoke.

"O-oh, uh... I'll leave you to change" Lan Xichen walked back into the study closing the door behind him. They were both men, there shouldn't have been a problem for Jiang Cheng to get dressed in front of him. But he hadn't been able to move. He was once more alone in sect leader Lan's personal bedroom.

With the man himself standing outside Jiang Cheng no longer felt the same adventurous excitement. Instead his stomach was filled with electricity and uneasiness. Jiang Cheng attributed this uncomfortable feeling to the guilt of overstepping such a large boundary. Jiang Cheng hurriedly got changed. The sooner Lan Xichen got back, the sooner he could get thrown out, the sooner this feeling would go away. The robes were indeed a set of Lan robes, they fit fairly well although being slightly too large. The sleeves hanging low by his sides.

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