Chapter 7: Not So Kind After All

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Leaving his future husband behind Jiang Cheng walked hastily towards Jingshi, because where else would his brother be slacking off when everyone else were attending the meeting. The only people not in the meeting were junior disciples. Jiang Cheng felt like they were all staring at him as he walked past. But it was probably just his anxiety playing tricks on him. Surely Wei Wuxian hadn't told every person he had passed.

But that didn't change the fact that their gazes made Jiang Cheng uncomfortable. This was a case when his particular skillset came in handy. With a simple glare they were all compelled to avert their eyes and Jiang Cheng was on his way, feeling slightly better.

"Wei Wuxian!" he shouted as he banged on the door.

"Here already here? I thought it would take longer" Jiang Cheng gave him a glare but pushed on.

"You better stay silent"

"Don't worry, I wont tell anyone. Brother's got your back, I'll even have Lan Zhan tell him some tricks." Wei Wuxian winked. This time he couldn't ignore his brother's teasing.

"No thanks, I've heard the complaints and I'd rather not sound like a pig getting slaughtered"

"In that case..." Wei Wuxian leaned back inside Jingshi and pulled out a bottle "here's an engagement gift for the happy couple"

"What is it?" Jiang Cheng asked eyeing the unlabeled bottle suspiciously. He was not about to touch whatever strange thing his brother was offering.

"lube" Wei Wuxian pushed the bottle into his hand, forcing him to take it. "I wont need it anyway"

"You've said too much" Jiang Cheng wanted the conversation to end, had barely wanted it to start in the first place. "Either way, just don't tell anyone. We want to reveal it later"

Wei Wuxian raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Aren't you already revealing it. That hairstyle is pretty telling don't you think?" What? It wasn't like it was messy, he had seen it himself just before he went out. Reaching back he pulled his hair to the side. Along with the neatly arranged hair he also spotted the ends of a white band. That rascal had replaced his hairband.

Jiang Cheng was suddenly struck with a realization. He hadn't just imagined it, those Lan disciples had indeed been staring at him, at the Lan headband stuck in his hair. In order to prevent further damage, he quickly removed it and then he tied it securely to his forearm where it was hidden underneath his robe, but where he could still feel it pressing against his skin. Giving him a small sense of satisfaction, a reminder of their promise.

"Naaw, that's too bad. It was so pretty"

"If you think it looks good then do it yourself. I'm sure your husband would be more than willing to indulge you" Jiang Cheng pulled at the red hairband his brother was wearing until it came loose. Then he tied up his own hair once more. As a sect leader he couldn't be walking around with his hair down, Wei Wuxian wouldn't care about such a thing. He already broke any and all rules without being prompted, what was it to him if he broke one more? The Jiang's weren't responsible for him anymore so it's not like Jiang Cheng cared.

"You're right. Lan Zhan, hand me your headband" he shouted waving at someone behind Jiang Cheng. Apparently the meeting had ended early.

"Mm" Jiang Cheng could hear Lan Wangji respond. But turning around he was not the only Lan present. Beside him was a Lan with a suspiciously non-white band wrapped around his forehead.

"That's not the right color" Jiang Cheng pointed out.

"Neither is yours" Lan Xichen responded looking at the red hairband tying up Jiang Cheng's hair.

"How many people have seen it?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Enough that it's official" Lan Xichen smiled.

"The meeting ended early due to uncle fainting" Lan Wangji said as he untied his headband and handed it over to his waiting husband.

"Perfect, that means more time for us" Wei Wuxian leaned over an placed a kiss of gratitude on his husband's lips before dragging him into Jingshi without saying as much as a goodbye.

Jiang Cheng didn't know whether to kick or kiss the man in front of him. But at least he didn't need to be worried anymore. Lan Huan was perfectly capable of going against other people's wishes, even if it was Jiang Cheng himself. After making sure that the lovey-dovey couple was not going to return, he settled for a kiss. But the stakes had suddenly gotten much higher. Because this time he wasn't looking for Lan Huan to reject him.

"Lan Huan" he said taking a step closer. He took a deep breath to steady himself. "Kiss me"

Lan Huan's lips turned into a soft smile. Jiang Cheng stomach was turning over. What was he, a kid? He really shouldn't feel this anxious over something as simple as a kiss. But as Lan Huan came closer his anxiety grew even more. Eventually he couldn't handle the anticipation any longer and he leaned in the remaining distance closing his eyes as he did. The anxiety in his stomach set ablaze as Lan Huan's soft lips touched his own.

But the touch itself didn't remain soft. It quickly grew more passionate as Jiang Cheng frantically leaned even further into his partner. His mind in a daze as his lips were on fire. Opening his mouth to allow Lan Huan to deepen the kiss, bringing them closer together.

Lan Huan moved to place a hand on his lower back, closing the gap between them completely. Jiang Cheng acted in turn and placed his arms around his neck. His sense of touch heightened due to his lack of sight Jiang Cheng felt the electrified touch of Lan Xichen as his other hand ran though his hair. Jiang Cheng felt his legs grow weak at the touch, thankful for the strong arm supporting him. Eventually they had to give in, no matter how powerful cultivators they were they could not survive without oxygen.

"Do you think Jin Ling will lock you out tonight as well?" Lan Xichen said, still out of breath. His eyes filled with desire wandered over Jiang Cheng's lips, setting the younger man's heart on fire.

"If he hears about my engagement from outside sources, I'm sure he will" Jiang Cheng said surprised by his slightly passive aggressive tone. The aggression came as a bad habit he had gained whenever he was feeling out of it. He was not mad, simply lightheaded from the lack of air. Why would he be mad? Getting thrown out would be the perfect excuse to spend more time together.

"Still annoyed at my stunt?" Lan Huan said pulling back slightly to check on him. But Jiang Cheng would not accept such a thing, using the hands still placed on Lan Huan's neck he pulled them closer together once more. His lips close enough to Lan Huan's that he could feel every word Jiang Cheng spoke next.

"Not enough to make you to sleep on the flooragain"


Thank you for reading the entirety of my first fanfiction <3 Hopefully it wont be my last.

Ps. It is my headcannon that in this story the Lans gave up on giving Wangxian noise complaints as they fell of deaf ears. Instead they started gifting Wei Wuxian bottles of lube as an informal way of showing their grievances with the loud couple. Wei Wuxian then decided that it would be fun to stack the bottles. Meaning that whenever someone comes to gift him another bottle he thanks them, opens the door wide open, and puts on a show as he attempts to place the bottle without having the entire stack come down. It's from this tower that Wei Wuxian got his brother's engagement gift. 

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