Chapter 3

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It had been three weeks after Taehyung had done his first delivery and the boy was actually beaming with joy and happiness with his new task. He loved his computers and how he could hack into most complex systems, but since he got a taste of the adrenaline rush, he couldn't help but get a little bit addicted to it.

"Hyung, do you have another ride for me?" he asked enthusiastically when he had returned. Yoongi frowned worriedly at the excitement and shook his head "No, you're done for the day. Maybe Jimin needs help with something?"

"Are you sure? Doesn't Namjoon have another delivery tonight?"

"Yes but Namjoon must do that one. He's their regular guy. The client won't like a different face" the older one lied. He was still not happy with Taehyung's decision to take over Hoseok's deliveries, so he secretly divided half Hoseok's share between him, Seokjin and Namjoon. Up until now, the second youngest didn't seem to notice it and he desperately wanted to keep it that way. The less Taehyung was involved, the better it will be for Yoongi's nerves and Taehyung's safety. If anything was to happen to their second youngest, he would never forgive himself and the same counted for the rest of the hyung line.

"Don't whine, you have a delivery tomorrow again" Yoongi then muttered. He was already dreaded for tomorrow. Usually, he had planned their agendas so he, Namjoon or Seokjin weren't doing a delivery at the same time as Taehyung so the boy could call whenever a problem occurred, but today he had gotten a last minute order from Joshua again, saying that he needed an extra delivery. If it were up to him, he would have denied the request without a second thought, but Joshua was already angry with them after Hoseok's accident, and they only needed to repay him for one more week until they had paid their debt off.

"Cool!" Taehyung said happily as he darted of towards the computer room where Jimin and Jungkook must be.

"He's doing a great job" Hoseok said after the second youngest had disappeared from the living room. Yoongi huffed annoyed and closed his laptop to sit next to the injured member who was sitting in his wheelchair next to the couch.

"He's too naive. What if someone of the other clans approaches him?" Yoongi asked worriedly as he started to fidget with his hands. The slightly younger one smiled softly and placed a hand on his leg. "He will ignore the request like we have taught him. He's a good boy, you know that"

"I know" Yoongi answered but he was still fidgeting, so Hoseok cupped his hands instead "Hey, what's wrong? What got you so worked up?"

The older one sighed. "I don't know Hobi. I keep thinking about tomorrow. It doesn't feel right. I want to believe you, I truly do, but I don't want him to do a delivery when there's no backup"

"How many times did he need backup past weeks?"


"Exactly. You worry too much hyung. I'm sure tomorrow will be a successful day like any other. The boy got talent for this"

"Don't let him hear that" Yoongi said, but then smiled softly to let the other know that he was doing alright again. Maybe Hoseok was right, maybe he was just worrying too much.


"Call me when you're finished!" Hoseok said as Seokjin, Namjoon, Yoongi and Taehyung left the house to do their scheduled deliveries of today. And as usual, he was accompanied by Jimin and Jungkook who were eating their breakfast at the dining table and said goodbye to the others as well with their mouths full.

"As you probably already noticed, Yoongi hyung is a bit stressed out past couple of weeks" Hoseok started as he wheeled towards the dining table to join the other two remaining members. "So I was thinking about getting pizza and watch a movie when they get back!"

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