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"Go change." Jamie grabbed my arm as I walked through the stables, pulling me back before I hit the door.


"Go. Change. Uniforms in the tack room." Uniform? Was this really necessary? I scowled at him, following my instructions and heading into the tack room and locking the door behind me. What the fuck kind of uniform is this shit? White? What idiot wears white to work with horses? We had a uniform. It was black. Black polo and black pants didn't matter what pants as long as they were black. Jeans, jodhpurs, leggings, anything. As long as they didn't make it harder for you to work. But that was only needed if we had expected visits. That's why I'd worn it today. My polo and my fleece. So, I could keep warm if I got any time where I wasn't shifting heavy shit. Literally.

I rolled my eyes, pulling on the apparent uniform on. A blazer. How the fuck was this any use to us? I can't move. Who the fuck are these people that Jamie's got me dressing up like some entitled snob who can't do her job. I stepped out of the room and I could tell by the stupid smirk on his face he was thinking the same thing and he thought it was hilarious.

"Is this some sort of sick joke?"


"White Jamie. White. I give it 10 minute before Duke is rubbing himself on my leg like always and stains them."

"That's why he's had a spa treatment. Come on, you're already late."

"Well sorry for doing my job." Jamie grabbed my arm, pulling me out of the building with a dramatic roll of his eyes. I yanked it out of his grasp, taking a step away from him and following him. "Who is it?"

"Not allowed to say."

"Aren't I going to know in a few minutes anyway?"



"Stop being awkward and just do as your told please. I've got a migraine from dad stressing at me all morning as it is. I don't need your attitude on top of it."

"I do not have an-" Jamie turned to me and I instantly took a step backward. "Sorry."

"If this goes well, it could completely change this place Aly."

"Change it how?" I don't like change. Nothing good ever comes from it. I like things exactly as they are right now. No change, no shift in who's here, no new additions. Just our little team where I know and trust everyone.

"More sales, bigger sales. Worth more. Which means more money in your pocket, more expansions, more horses, more sales. You get the idea." I nodded, acting like that was what I wanted. I wasn't in the position to say I wanted them to keep it like this. I wasn't family. I was staff. I'd be good to remember that. This wasn't my business. "Please behave. These are stupidly important clients Al. We can't mess this up."

"I always behave around clients Jamie." He smirked, pulling the door open and letting me in.

"Head tall." I took a deep breath, shifting to the side when his hand landed on my lower back. He didn't need to touch me. I don't know why he did this. Stupid little brushes. I'll scream at him about it when we don't have people here.

"Ah! Here we are! You found her Jamie."

"Yes. Sorry about that. She was-"

"I was out with a new foal." I interrupted. I didn't need anyone to speak for me. I have my own tongue in my own mouth. I can do it myself. The guests turned around. I feel like they're important. Like I've seen their faces before but I can't place it. 3 men of varying ages. The first was maybe in his early 50s. Tall and broad, a little - um- round? Perfectly trimmed beard no more than an inch long covered the lower half of his disappointed face. The second, he was taller. stood holding his hands in front of him. Bald. He didn't look impressed, though the look was kind of emotionless. Just staring at me.

The third was the only person who wasn't scowling at me. His dark eyes raked down me quickly before his lips pulled up in a bad boy smirk that sent goosebumps along the bottom of my spine. Dark brown hair with the slightest hint of red, barely there. It could be this light though. It's a hint of orange in here. Not like the outdoor natural blue. He has freckles. High cheekbones and is so clean shaven you can see every contour of his bones under his skin. He's beautiful. The definition of handsome wrapped up in a smug 6 foot tall package.

"And you are?" The bearded man spoke. Deep, kind of booking across the room.

"This is Alice Jennings. Our head trainer." A promotion? Neat. Jamie stepped to once side of me, sandwiching me between him and his dad with the 3 other men before us all. "Alice handles all of our basic training from day one before handing them off to our specialized areas where she then over sees their general wellbeing and makes sure they are improving at the correct rate." Still no clue who these people are but they're getting a very fancy job description for what I apparently do. I clean out stalls, ride the horses, put saddles on their backs and let them throw a fit about it in the arena until they chill out. I'm a glorified stable hand.

"Will you be training my horse Alice?" The younger man asks me. Me specifically. Not Jamie or Mark. Me. I guess with the description Mark just dished out that would be my job. Right?


"I would like to be involved from the offset. I'm interested in seeing the process."

"Your Highness, it's not entirely an entertaining process." I'm sorry? Your highness?

"Yet Miss Jennings here must enjoy the process if it is her job no?" Are we just circling back around to the Your- no? Okay. Sure.

"I have no problem if you'd like to see a few of the sessions." I smiled softly. Customer service at its best example. "The issue however would lie in the horse. The training can sometimes be a little - traumatic. It's usually best if the owner is not related to breaking them in." He looked at me, expecting me to waiver to his request. "It could result in forming a bond that is less than ideal should the horse see you as a threat." Jamie took a quiet breathe in and I took it as my silent indicator to shut my mouth. I'm on my best behaviour. I'm just repeating what he has said to previous clients when I've been on these meetings. It's not wrong. We've had people return their horses because of this exact issue.

"The easier sessions then."

"I'm sure we could come to an arrangement." Mark said. "Though, for the horses sake we must have some boundaries throughout the process."

"Of course." His highness' cocky smile had barely left his face for more than a second and it was making me a little uncomfortable. "Now. About this tour of the grounds." He strode forward, holding his arm out for me. Was I supposed to take it? I don't-

"I wouldn't want to ruin your lovely suit, Your Highness." I smiled, holding up my black hands. "It's a messy job." He nodded, standing up and straightening his tie before sinking his hands into his coat, leaving one open guided at the door.

"After you."

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