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She was falling asleep. Stood up. Head on the neck of a horse. I left for 5 minutes and came back to her arms around it and completely unaware I was there. Alice always heard people coming. Like she was hyper aware of her surroundings. I guess it's a good thing but it did make it difficult to sneak around and make her jump like she seemed to do with everyone else.

"Aly?" She jumped, causing the horse to raise its head quickly. "Sorry, didn't mean to wake you up."

"I wasn't asleep. I am literally stood up." She cleared her throat, turning back to the horse and running her hands down its neck before grasping the head collar and turning around, leading him inside with the rest of the group.

She'd avoided a lot of personal questions today. Not too many that it would seem weird but knowing what I do, that she's not who she says she is, it is a little bizarre. Her parents, where she came from, her life before here, had all been off the table. I had however, found out more about this girl today than I think she realizes.

Her face lit up when she heard about the foal this morning. She has phenomenally strong bonds with the horses and she believes that horses can feel people's emotions. She mentioned that when she's had rough days, she finds they are more attentive to her, they listen better, follow instructions faster, give her an easier time and will willingly give her contact. Like the one she's walking now. I didn't catch its name but it keeps dipping its head back to her and she's chuckling, talking away to it about walking straight.

She loves the breeze, always closes her eyes when it hits her in the face. She likes making people laugh. She sees beauty in simple things. I've never seen someone sit in a field and stare at a blade of grass and tell me facts about it like it was the universe. She believes nothing really matters apart from making the most of life because we're just a tiny spec on a rock hurtling through the universe and we don't know when the next colossal world ending problem is going to happen.

I know she uses a vanilla shampoo or something. It's been filling my nose every time she let her hair down. I know it's long and a little wavy and she thinks it's too long but she doesn't want to actually cut it. I know she has plans with Jamie's family tonight that she doesn't really want to go to. I know she lives alone, the mentions of her boyfriend didn't feel right. I know she's single.

I know she likes when I lean against a wall and I know she hates that she likes it. I know the colour her eyes go when I'm frustrating her and how the tips of her ears go red when she's embarrassed and her cheeks when she's a little turned on. I know she doesn't like being touched not just by me, by anyone. I know she hasn't eaten lunch today. I know she doesn't stop moving. Ever.

I also know that this interest in Alice isn't just as black and white as I thought it was. It wasn't that she was a mystery I wanted to uncover. It's that I wanted to know what the mystery was and solve it. I have the power to solve it for her. But I have been searching for a week and I'm pulling blanks. I need her to tell me it and that's not going to be an easy task. It's going to take me all year. But, I am not a patient man.

She yawned again, locking the stable door and rubbing a hand over her face.


"Long day."

"Thought you were used to them by now Princess?" Her eyes lowered, scrunching her brows together and looking at me in disgust. She hated it. Good. "What's that face for?"

"Don't call me that."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm not your freaking Princess. That means literally nothing to normal people. You're a Prince. That's a whole ass title."

"And?" I shrugged, taking a single step forward. "Let me drive you home."


"Why not?"

"So many reasons."

"Give me 3."

"Okay I will. 1, I've got plans here. 2, You don't drive. Your body guard does. Speaking of which, I never caught his name and I don't like that. And 3, my boyfriend picks me up." I smiled a little.

"Ah yes. The famous boyfriend without a name, no photos, no one's ever seen him, there's no stories about him, no mentions of you 2 going out, has no problem with you hanging around with a Prince all day. That boyfriend?"

"Yes. That one." My smile grew on half of my lips and the tips of her ears darkened, cheeks joining her when I took half a step forward, towering over her. She wasn't wearing her boots now. Said they were hurting her ankles so she'd changed into some well-worn Vans.

"His name is O'Connor." She looked over my shoulder and then back to me.

"That's his full name." A cocked brow.

"Obviously not."

"So, give me it then."

"Silas." She smiled, proud she'd gotten what she wanted in changing the topic from her supposed boyfriend. "I've got something for you."

"If it's a lawsuit for the barrow-"

"It's not a lawsuit, Aly. I'm going away for a few weeks. I've got a few work things around- well- everywhere. " I handed her a piece of paper. "That is my personal number. Not my work one they have here. Not one that goes through the palace. It goes from your phone to mine. I want you to use it."

"You want updates on Rio? I mean Jamie usually send-"

"I do not want you to use that number for anything work related." She looked at my handwriting on the paper. "Put it in your phone now so you can't tell me you lost it."

"It's in-" I held her phone out for her. "This was locked-"

"In your locker. I know." I pressed it forward again, turning it on for her. "Number in and text me."

"This isn't approp-"

"Aly. I'm going away for 3 weeks. I don't care what time it is. Use the number. I'll have people keeping an eye out for you whilst I'm away."

"I don't need-" I raised an eyebrow and stepped forward again, bringing my head down beside hers until I could hear her heavy breathing, her body otherwise statue still.

"I don't know who you are Aly. I don't know what you're hiding from. But I know Alice Jennings isn't real. So, I'll tell you again. Use my number. I have people keeping an eye out for you but you won't see them so don't worry about it. This secret is safe with me. You are safe with me." I stood up but Aly stayed completely frozen, blankly staring right ahead. "I'll give you 4 days to use it Aly. If I don't hear from you, O'Connor will pop around to make sure you're okay." Her throat bobbed, slowly looking up at me and her eyes deepened. Unlike anything I've ever seen in my life. Her pupils twitched but the colours, they were about as deep as the pacific ocean. Dark and never ending and I wanted nothing more than to jump right in. Swim in them under a burning sun.

I turned taking a few steps towards the door of the feed room before turning around quickly.

"Oh. Aly?" She blinked, lifting her head up slightly but still not making a sound. "Stop turning your phone off Princess. Makes it stupidly hard for me to work out where you are. You've cost my security guy a chaotic migraine and he'd appreciate it being easier to track you down." I watched as she turned her phone off in her hand, not even looking down to do it. "Too late beautiful. I'll see you in a few weeks." 

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