Thirty One

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I don't know exactly what happened.

I can't give you a second by second break down of what happened or each thought that passed through my brain or where the confidence came from, because in reality I don't think it was confidence. I'm almost 100% certain it was refusal to go back to this life. Even if I'd be too damaged to be with Stefan now, because let's face it, I doubt the palace is going to allow anyone to come looking for me. I wasn't staying here. I wasn't being Chance or Tobias' or Marcos' toy, only existing to hang on their arm and look pretty and follow my orders. I'm worth so much more.

Chance stared at me from above, blood dripping down his dark grey trousers. I watched as the pain seeped into his brain. Probably not the experience he was expecting on the bathroom floor of what I had worked out was a safe house, probably in the middle of nowhere. The grip he held on my hair loosened and I was able to stand up as he screamed out in pain.

He wasn't using his dick anywhere near me and the fact he thought I'd just willingly get on my knees and open up for him to do as he pleased without some resilience was stupid of him really. He fumbled, dragging the gun out of his pocket and aiming it at me.


"I'd rather be dead than have that thing anywhere near me." Think Aly. Next move. You need a next move or you will, indeed be dead. He looked down again, watching the blood slide down his dick, dripping to the puddle on the floor. It bleeds more than I was expecting. I wipe the crap from around my mouth and take my opportunity as he's distracted.

Two split seconds and I'm using 3 years of carting wheelbarrows of shit and clinging on to a bucking horse for dear life to grab the gun from his hand, jumping back and pointing it back at him.

I've never held a gun before. Never had a want or a need to. Never felt like it was something I should be doing. I don't feel like it's right to play god with someone's life. There was always a chance someone could change and if you pull a trigger on someone, you're taking away their opportunity to be a better person. I'd said, last time I was planning leaving Chance, if I ever had to hold a gun to someone I would shoot to injure and give myself time to leave and not to kill.

But now I'm stood here watching Chance bleed, a little confused as to what has happened in the past 50 seconds, trying to work out how I over powered him enough to now have the upper hand, and all I can think is that until these men are dead, I will not know peace. If they went to prison for all of this, it was only a matter of time until they got out and tracked me down and after this, I wouldn't be looking at a life on his arm. No. He wouldn't risk it again. Not this time. He'd make it as painful as possible too. He's not against torture. He's told me he's broken people's bones before just for the fun of it. He likes to hear the crack.

"You think you're smart Alyssandra? That you'll get out of here if you pull that trigger?"

"No. But at least I'd die knowing you died first." His eyes darkened, snarl turning into a sick smile that made me feel like I was going to throw up.

"Put the gun down."


"Angel, you don't know how to shoot someone. I should have taught you but I honestly didn't think you had this darkness inside of you." I stared at him as he took a step forward. "You've got potential Angel. To rule this family with me. If you're willing to do this, to get yourself some revenge, to try and save your life. I thought you were weak. I'll gladly be the first person you shoot Alyssandra. Just aim for an arm or something so I can still be of use to you."

"I never thought I'd see you begging Chance."

"You underestimate how fucking hot this look is for you." He reached his hand over for a towel, wrapping it around himself to stop the bleeding. "Though if next time you can keep your teeth away from my cock, I'd appreciate it." I snorted.

"There won't be a next time."

"And why's that?"

"Because I am not your fucking property. I am worth so much more than having your grubby little blood stained hands on my body."

"Looks like your hands are a little red too Angel." He smirked. I'm terrified, stuck, trapped. I know that this house probably has more than the 3 brothers in. Likelihood is there's 3 or 4 other men out there too. I need a plan to get out of here. Because if I pull this trigger, I'll have seconds to act. "Alys-"

"Shut up Chance I'm thinking." He smirked. God I hate this man. Everything was perfect. Everything before today, or yesterday, I don't know what time or day it is. I was supposed to be 5 minutes, sign my name on a piece of paper and go to the palace with Stefan and sit on a plane beside him and laugh with Sadie. We were going to laugh and swim and hike and have so much fun. Instead, I'm here covered in Chance's blood. This man has ruined my whole life. Him and his family and my fucking dad. I can clear him and his brothers from this planet. If I'm going to die, I want to leave some good. If I put one bullet in each of their heads and then get taken down myself, it will be worth it. That's easy enough right? Him then Marco because he's probably outside waiting for his older brother to give him some instructions. Tobias wouldn't be too far behind.

I took in a deep breathe. They say in movies and books that shooting a gun for the first time can be scary if you don't know what to expect. Expect the recoil, expect the shot to be louder than you though, expect it to be messy, and to feel emotional. Aim and lock your arm but not your shoulder. It's going to hurt. I brace, aim, pull the trigger and everything goes into slow motion.

Chance's face goes white before the bullet hits him in the centre of his chest 2 feet away. He stumbles backwards, hand covering his chest before he pulls it up to see his own blood now covering his hand. And he laughs, shakes his head.

"I underestimated you Alyssandra." He slid down the wall slowly, leaving a streak of red down the perfectly white tiles. I can hear chaos outside, but I can't make any of it out. They're shouting but there's so much blood rushing through my ears and I'm watching Chance bleed. He's not dying quick enough. I want to put another bullet in him but I'm not sure how many I have and I need them.

The door shakes beside me as I stand just outside the bathroom door. Chance's head falls back against the tiles and he closes his eyes, shaking it slowly. Don't feel bad Aly. Do not let yourself feel guilty for this. He deserved it. Every single scar on your body is his fault. Years of you feeling worthless and hiding and not experiencing life. Because of him.

My mind clears as the crack from the door breaking allows instinct to take over, I turn, pointing the gun at whoever had just broken the door off its hinges.

I'm hallucinating.

Maybe I'm dead. Maybe I didn't get the gun out of Chance's hand and I'm dead on the floor of the bathroom and no one cares. Because he's not here. Stefan isn't here and he's not got blood shot eyes or splatter on his perfect white tee-shirt and he's not got his hands up and I'm not pointing a gun at him. Silas isn't stood behind him with blood on his hands. I'm dead. Definitely dead.

"Princess." I shake my head and Stefan steps forward slowly. "Darling put the gun down. It's me. You're okay. I'm here. Give me your hand Princess." I blink quickly as his chest presses into the outreached gun. Not phased. "Touch me Aly. I'm here." I shakily take one hand off the gun, reaching to feel his tee-shirt. He grabs my hand, pressing it directly over his heart, pushing in tight. "You know you're safe with me Princess." He pulled his top up, moving my hand until I could feel his perfect skin under my palm. "Put the gun down baby." I sucked in a shaky breath, slowly lowering the gun. He grabbed it from my, handing it to Silas behind him before wrapping me in such a tight hug he might actually be trying to hold me together as I fall apart on him.

My knees gave way and Stefan lowered us both to the ground, not leaving his hold on me for a second. He smells like coffee and I'm almost certain these are the same clothes I left him in. He's got a slight stubble that is scratching my forehead with every comforting sentence he can string together, eventually helping to make me stop crying, to gather myself together. He takes my face in his hands staring at me so deeply I'm sure he can read my mind, my soul maybe.

"Stardust." The words fell off my tongue and Stefan almost laughed, pressing another kiss to my forehead.

"Fucking Stardust Princess. Stardust and gold and diamonds and the sun and the moon. Everything that makes the world turn and wonderful." I closed my eyes, breathing him in. "Let's get you home and out of this shithole."

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