Twenty Five

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This had been the longest week off in my entire life. Getting up this morning had been beyond difficult, having Stefan drop me off and leave me here with Silas had been a shock to the system to say the least. For 7 days, we practically hadn't left each other's side and now I had to go an entire day knowing his parents were probably ranting at him about the photos of us pissing about in the street on Tuesday night being in every paper.

He'd spent 2 days convincing me it was fine and in all honesty, I still was 100% convinced. The whole world was currently talking about the playboy prince's new fling and I didn't have a single doubt in my head that I was now back on Chances' radar. That was the most worrying thing. Him knowing where I was and what he was going to do about that. But Silas was here. The farm was being watched 24 hours a day, he couldn't get near without someone knowing about it and Stefan was at most, at 15 minute drive away. I couldn't spend the rest of my life waiting for them to show up somewhere. The security team started properly yesterday so it was fine.

I was fine.

What wasn't fine right now, is that Jamie had apparently flown of the hinges when the girls mentioned the paper to him on Wednesday morning and he'd been in a mood all day yesterday. He hadn't been at breakfast this morning so I don't think he knew I was even back. I was just plodding on with things that I knew needed doing, wasting time until Mark got here later on and I could talk to him. Jamie would be fine. He's a little dramatic. When we've had arguments before he's pouted for a day or two before coming back as his normal irritating self without either of us saying another word about it. We have 4 or 5 arguments that have never been full resolved. I think it's just a build-up of stress that comes out at each other sometimes. That and him being an ass.

I had some country music playing over the speaker as I reorganized the tack room. Silas sat by the door on a chair I made him sit in because I feel terrible that he's stood all day. I hadn't missed the addition of a gun under his suit jacket. It hadn't been there with Stefan. As much as people disliked him, the odds of someone wanting to murder him were pretty low, apparently they were a lot higher for me, high enough for him to be armed.

"You're back then." I spun around, saddle in hand to see an almost broken Jamie. I'd never seen him look out of words, or sad. Not even after his break up with Sienna In November. He seemed to take a single breath, looking at Silas and then back to me, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Mhm. Cleared with a doctor yesterday afternoon. Although he said to be more careful. Almost as if I did it intentionally. Which is dumb because it wasn't my fault. I'm blaming you." I turned, putting the saddle down on the holder and turning back to him. He didn't bite. Just stared at me. "Come on then drama queen, drop it at me."


"You're pissed off. Didn't even argue with me blaming you."

"I'm fine." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Silas? Can you give us a few minutes please? Close the door on your way out?" He stared at Jamie, scanning him quickly before walking out. I turned the music down and crossed my arms. "Spill."

"So have you been lying to me long or did that concussion suddenly turn you from hating the prince to being wrapped around his finger?"

"I didn't lie to you about Stefan Jamie."

"No but you apparently have been lying about a boyfriend for 2 and a half years or did you break up in the 2 days between you getting a serious head injury and you moving in with Prince Knobhead?" I sighed. "You're dating life is none of my business Alice. What is my business is the fact you've been lying to me about something so fucking stupid. I trusted you and you just- it's not even like you not having a boyfriend made any difference. But you lied anyway. And who the hell was picking you up all this time? When I couldn't take you home or when it was pitch black? Were you seriously walking home alone in the middle of the night? Are you stupid? I'd have picked you up and dropped you off every fucking morning, I pass your place anyway! It's such a stupid fucking lie."

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