The Hot Waiter Guy

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Ah, we are back here once again.

Well then, let's begin.

So my brother, my mum, my auntie and I all went out for dinner at a restaurant in town. You know, we sit down, we decide what we want to order and then my mum and my auntie go up to the bar to place our order for our food.

About ten minutes later, the food arrives and let me tell you now that it was not the only thing that was hot.

This guy seemed to be in his early twenties, and he was doing good.

He was tall, like hella tall, and had nice hair that was kind of just slightly curly and he looked like a nice person....

Goddamit, why is it that the good looking people are the ones who look way too old for me...


And even then, I messed it up again.

Wanna know how?

I'm gonna tell you how.

Let me tell you what I, myself, decided to order.

Chicken breast, one full rack of ribs, BBQ sauce, chips (or as you Americans call them - fries), and onion rings. And I'm not talking about small, miniature sized portions -

No, no, no, no, no!

I'm talking about plate sized chicken breast burger, a HUGE full rack of ribs, LOADS of chips - which weren't those skinny bitch chips from McDonalds! - and there ring.

This really hot guy gave me such a worried look as he had to go back to the kitchen to get the rest of my food.

I said 'thank you' and stuff like the polite person I am, but holy turtle he looked like he wanted to call me an ambulance because of the amount of food I had on not one but two plates.

So, I of course, sent the information of this guy to my Faarquad Star Squad member, the 'researcher' who will then do as she does and find out more about this good looking guy and then we can admire him....

I promise this isn't stalking! We just like to appreciate good looking people with good looking faces.

We also don't leave our houses because we are so lazy so none of these good looking people that we see randomly in the streets are in any real potential danger ^.^

Well, there's another story of how I fail with human beings....

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