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The boys reached their home in which their best friend's body lays.

They laughed, absolutely clueless as to what lays behind that door.

As the oldest member of the group, Louis pulls out the key and unlocks the door.

The boys all shove their way through the small doorway as they laugh and joke.

"Carter! We're home!" Liam called, closing the door behind him.

The five of them exchanged looks as the house was in a deathly silence. 

This isn't right, they all thought as they walked around the house.

Calling her name, they checked every room.

Where could she be? They inquired in their minds.

They all found themselves outside her bedroom.

"Carter?" Zayn called through the door.

Nothing was heard in response.

The boys being her best friend, became worried.

"Maybe she's just sleeping?" Louis suggested.

However, they all knew that wasn't true.

Carter was a very light sleeper.

She would have woken up by the call of her name.

Harry, being the one who has known her for nineteen years now, became worried.

"Carter! This isn't funny! Open up!" He yelled, wiggling the door handle.

The door was not, however, locked.

It swung open and the boys glanced at each other as they stepped.

It wasn't until Liam released a gasp that they turned their attention to the bed.

"Nonononononononono." Harry whimpered, running over to his best friend's side.

He shakily reached his fingers out and placed them on her neck, in search for a pulse.

"No, please, no." He muttered as he searched frantically to find a sign that she was alive.

But all that hope fails as he pulls his hands away.

Looking up at the boy's, who watch on in tears, he shakes his head.

"She's gone." He whispered, almost to the point where no one could hear it.

The boy's, however, did hear.

This sent them into floodgates.

Liam, being most mature, pulls out his phone to call for an ambulance.

Harry sobs, holding onto his best friend's body.

Carter was his life.

His best friend.

His sister.

His first love.

She meant everything to him.

Now she's gone.

Never will he hear her beautiful voice again.

Never will he feel her hugs again.

Never will he hear her laugh again.

Never will his smile be real again.

Soon, the paramedics arrive and examine the body.

"S-She took these." Louis shakily gave them the pill bottle they found in her hand.

The pills were to relieve pain.

They were a success for Carter...a fail for the lads.

Those pills won't relieve the pain they feel right now.

Nothing will.

"I'm sorry, loves." The female paramedic whispered gently.

"It seems as though she left something for you." The male paramedic said, handing them an envelope.

To my beautiful boys.

Was written on the front.

This was her note.

As Carter's body was loaded onto a gurney and covered with a sheet, the boys were left to grieve.

Liam opened up the envelope, beginning to read it.

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