First Day Of Searching And We Already Got Into Trouble![2]

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Chapter 2

"I already had bad feeling about this" Atsuki said as he helping Rae button his shirt. Even if he just 14 years old, he is already act like someone's father or even 27 years old. The first team will start their searching that morning after they had breakfast.

Kaito from behind him just nod at Atsuki's words since he think something bad will happened. Meanwhile, Shota, Shoto and Momo were crying while clingy to Saeko and Sakyo's legs. Dokai tried to help them but seem like the three don't want to let go.

Nael who stand next to his sister just sigh at the sight, he then walking to the path that lead to the outside of the alley.

"Make sure all of you remember this alley" Nael said as he look outside the alley, Kaito was behind him also stare left and right. Nobody seem to noticed them. "And make sure to wear hat or cap or even hoodie" Kae said as she received some tilted heads.

"We look like our parents, people will wondering about it but Akihito-nii don't need to wear hat. He is also look different from ma!" Nao said smiling as she explained however her last word making him blush a little. He usually get easily flustered if someone said he look just like Poe but with more confident.

Nao chuckles at her brother's reaction meanwhile Rue come from behind her with some mask in his hand. "Or you can used mask" Rue said suggest as he throw some facemask and other kind of mask to others. The others successfully catch it.

"Even if few of us are different gender?"
"You want them to discover or what?"
"Good question"
"Of course, It's good!"

The others just sigh at Nao's answer, well she will never change.

"We better go now!" Kae said almost like yelling as she push Kakeru, Rue and Ozaki twins out from the alley with serious face. "Why us too???" Kayano ask not because of why he and Miyano need to be in the first group but because why they also getting pushed.

Dokai take her younger siblings away from Saeko and Sakyo letting them go with the others. Akari turn to her direction smiling as she wave to Dokai.

"Bye, bye, Dai-chan~" Akari said as she waved to Dokai but Dokai seem to ignored her while sighing. "Stop it, Akari" Takeru said as he drag his sister from there.

"Kakeru, Takeru, you two better take care of Akari!! Don't you ever let her done her suicide!" Makoto said glaring at her older brothers, usually she will be the one who need to stop Akari but since she need to go with the brothers...

"I will take care of Aka-nee" Akio said smiling but Makoto still feel unsure. Akari pout as she heard what the two talked about, she feel hurt but she know it's for her own good. "We also will help her, so don't worry" Kae said patting Makoto's head smiling to throw her worry away.

Makoto can only smile at what Kae just did, she nodded but the feeling still bother her. "Take care, nee-sama, nii-sama, nee-chan!!" Shota and Shoto said trying to hold back tears while holding Momo who's already crying her eyes out.

"We will be back later, don't worry!" Saeko said smiling as she making her way away. Sakyo and Dokai also smile and nodded at the words, they will surely come back safely.... Right?


"Okay, where are we now?" Ask Nao as she look around, Akihito who's behind her just nervously chuckles at his sister's act she is like Ranpo. Saeko just facepalming and sigh as she look around.

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