A Little Lie Won't Hurt[3]

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Chapter 3

"For once I hate this tablet..." Shota said while Shoto hold him, Shota was about to throw the tablet but Shoto stop him. "Do you see which direction she go?" Ask Yuuki, she was helping Rue to calm Sakyo down a little. Sakyo heavily sigh as he shrugged, "When I got there, I lose sight of them... all that I know is they follow the way the train goes..."

'That's what I called direction, buddy' Yuuki thought silently, she didn't want to sound harsh on him at this time. "And which way is it?" Ask Yuuki, Akihito point his right hand to the right direction.

Yuuki smile as she get what he meant by that but she need to make sure first.

"Here Yokohama map" Yuuki smile at Makoto as she received a map from her sister, Makoto always know what to do. She open the map searching for one particular name.

'Tsurumi River'

She smile as she point at the location, she move her finger to the right direction and end up on the city. "She is still in city but around the center of the Yokohama" Kae look over her shoulder as her eyes scanned the map.

"Are you sure?"
"Nope, it's just prediction"
"Meaning there's no way she is there"
"Yep, there's no way"

Yuuki throw her shoe at Kaito and Kou angrily as they laugh at her reaction. The two dodge the shoe and walk towards Jinko which she give the two a good knock on the head "stop fouling around, Nii-chan, Kou-chan"

Even if Jinko is a perfect copy of Atsushi from her personality to look, she had Akutagawa family's scariness. She always believe it's run in the family's blood since she found her father and aunt are scary.

Kae sigh at the three, focusing her attention at the tablet "Dokai, can you charge the tablet?" She ask. "I can but I need to know how many volts the tablet need or I will damage the battery or even the tablet" Dokai said as she remember what happened when she 'accidentally' charge someone's phone with too many volts.

"Around 5 volts" Shoto answer shortly, Dokai nod as she touch her ribbon. "Give me the tablet, Shoto" Dokai said, she didn't want her brother to get the volts. Shoto smile giving her the tablet...

With Saeko

Saeko could only stare at her surroundings, she couldn't see few of the face clearly but other than them they can see the face. She really want to jump out from the window and run away but sadly her leg didn't give her the permission to do so.

'I need to treat my leg first' Saeko said as she touch her leg, there's bruise and cuts there. She know how she got the bruise but she doesn't know how she got the cuts from.

"YOU SUICIDAL MANIAC, WHY DID YOU KIDNAPPED HER AGAIN!!" Saeko frozen when she heard the voice, she's in a seriously big trouble right now. "Now, now, Me and Ranpo think she was holding Atsushi's bag and we help her from being hit by a train!" Dazai said smiling which making Kunikida struggle him.

"I already said it's not" Ranpo defense himself even if he didn't said it's not. "Kunikida-san, is she your sister?" Ask Naomi beside Jun'ichiro, the similarities between the two are really strong and easy to see. "I don't have any siblings, Naomi" Kunikida answer, he push his glasses backward and look at Saeko

"But she look like you, Kunikida-kun~"
"Ranpo also there!"

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