[CHAPTER 2]- Date

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'Me? Pay? I will let them pay the price for what they did to me! The shall pay the price! I'll show them. I will get revenge.' It hurts me the most that Chifuyu beat me up with them. I thought we were friends...

It seems like I'm wrong...
Takemichi's Pov:

After they finally left I got up and tried to stand up, 'it hurts' I then looked at the time, ooooh shoot I've got to hurry up for the date, I just got about 30 minutes left. I better hurry up, because I still have to treat my wounds. Hina always gets worried, when she sees my wounds, so I better cover them. I slowly tried to walk home, when I finnally got there I slowly sat down. 'Ahh finally, but it still hurts' I looked at the clock. Ah shit! 13 minutes left. 'okay okay, everything will be fine' I stood up again, it hurts like shit. I then got the bandages and began to patch up myself. I had now only 4 minutes left. I looked at my wardrobe and picket out a outfit. 'I bet Hina will also dress casually' You may wonder why? Because most girls dress up more when they go on a date. So why not her? Hina is one of these girls that would dress up more. But...

I may have not told her that it's a date...

Uhmmm, is that Bad?

Ugh, you may wonder why I didn't tell her that. Because she would have probably said no, or so I think. I've told her once that I like her, she told me that she also liked me and that I'm such a good friend. Today I want to confess. My love for Hina, I mean that's why I'm doing this all, I'm trying to save her. But now I've got thrown out of Toman, meaning Kisaki will manipulat Mikey and I can't do anything now. But I can think about that late, now I'm going on my date, yeah let's not call it date since she doesn't know it's a date yet.

I looked at the time, off to go now. I walked to her house and knocked, she opened the door shortly after.

"Takemichi-kun" she said and smiled.

"Hina" I said, she looked very pretty in that dress, I thought she wasn't gonna dress up. Maybe she tried to impress me? 'Omg Omg she probably likes me'

"Takemichi-kun, you said you wanted to tell me something." she said and stepped aside from the door so that I could step in.

"Um yeah I wanted" I said and walked inside, taking my shoes off.

"I also want to tell you something important!" Huh? Does she maybe also like me?

"Sure go first"

"No you go first, you wanted to tell me first"

"Nahh ladies first"

"Ugh Okay okay." she said, she then grabbed my arm and pulled me into the living room. 'Her hands are so soft and warm' I looked and saw a boy siting there. HUH?!

"Takemichi-kun, meet my boyfriend-

Words: 523

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