[CHAPTER 14] - Mission

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That's how takemichi became a heavy smoker and kinda emotionless. Now it has been some years and takemichi is about 17. He also studied from 'home'. Today is a special day...

Narrator's Pov:

Takemichi's Boss had called him into his office.


"Yes Sir" and with that he bowed in front of his boss. The head of the Kaji organization. The strongest leader in the criminal world at the moment.

"It's time for you to go on a long mission. You won't be going alone Hak will accompany you"

"I understand sir"

"Hak is in some sort of gang, his gang doesn't know that he is in Kaji. You will join that gang."

"Okay" Takemichi said.

"You both will rule the gang world, to make Kaji even more powerful!"

"Yes sir!"

"Use everything, I don't care if someone dies"


"You can leave now, you both will go later, you will live in a flat I rented"

"Yes sir" he said and bowed down, getting on a knee. This made his boss smile.

'All the hitting seemed to have worked, he know is a powerful machine' his boss thought.

After takemichi was dismissed he met up with Hak who was wearing his usual hood. Most members were always wearing a hood. Hit was never wearing one, due to his high being in Kaji, he was a commander.

"Hey Hit" Hak said a little cheerful, which was weird for takemichi/Hit since Hak was always serious.

"Hey" Takemichi said.

"I'm so exited for the mission you will join the gang I'm in."

"Yes, I have heard about you being in a gang" he answered.

"Why couldn't we go onto the mission"
Someone said. They turned around and to see Kai standing there.

"Hey Kai, don't be grumpy" Hak said grinning.

"You mean me and you?" Take asked Kai.

"Yeah, you could have just joined my gang!"

"You have a gang bro and didn't tell me?!" Hak said.

"So what, you are yourself in a gang" Kai said shrugging.

"Maybe we will met when our gangs meet"

"Maybe" Kai said and shrugged, he then got a phone call. He picked up.

"Yes?" he asked the caller.

"Boss, when will you return to the base?"

"I'm not sure yet"

"Toman is currently not active, you know-"

"Hmm, I'll come as fast as I can"

Takemichi's Pov:

Did that guy on the phone just said Toman?


Let me see what Kai will say, if he likes them or not.

"Whats Toman?" I asked innocently while taking a cigarette out of my pocket.

"Some gang of a stupid bastard, I hate him!" Kai said. I lit up my cigarette.

"Same tho" Hak said.

That's great! They also dislike Toman. I'll never forgive Toman ever.

"What are you guys talking about?"

We heard someone say, we all looked at the person. I noticed it was Sah, he was wearing his mask as usual.

"We are talking about shitty toman"

"Oh" Sah said. What's with him? Don't tell me his in Toman.

"Whats with you?" I asked him.

"Its his ex gang!"

"Yeah" Sah said.

"In which are you now?" I asked wanting know.

"Kai's" He said.

After that, there was a long silence in the air.


Time skip

It was time for me and Hak to go now after dinner.

Hey sorry for not updating but I had many school stuff to do.

I'll try and publish another chapter this week. But I can't promise it tho. This one is also pretty short and I apologize, but I need to write two letters for some Religious subject, I need to give the letters my teacher tomorrow.

Also over 2.3K!

Danke/Thanks/Arigato/Спасибо/Merci and more♡

Bye loves♡♡♡♡

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