"what is wrong with me..."

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Karaku angst?
Karaku is having a mental breakdown...his legs on his chest..gripping his hair
(yes not starting with a hello)

Urogi: what happened!?

Sekido: Idk He just started crying

Aizetsu: ....uh

Zoha: who made him cry.

Sekido: We don't know...he just randomly cried idk what reason

Karaku: why did I let that happen...

Aizetsu: what..?

Karaku: you crazy....sick..disgusting bastard...

Sekido: what are you saying!?

Urogi: Shhh

Aizetsu: maybe listen to what he's saying

The clones take distance from him..but close enough to hear him

Karaku: If only I'd never let that happened to him...

Karaku: what is wrong with me...

Sekido: who's him?

Aizetsu: I don't know what's happening..

Karaku: what did he ever do to you...how am I finding about this now...why didn't he tell me...

Karaku: Why did you....why did you r@pe him....what did he do...

Urogi: what...

Aizetsu: ....r@pe who..

Zoha: what's that?

Sekido: you don't need to know

Zoha: oh Cmon

As tears running down his cheeks...sobbing slightly

Karaku: Im sorry I couldn't protect you...Im sorry....

Karaku: I tried...I tried being a good brother I did!

Karaku: But how did I let my eyes off you!?....now look what happened!!

Karaku: I shouldn't have let him do that to you...Im sorry....Im very...sorry..

The clones just stood there in shock...Urogi was scared, Aize froze, Sekido...was..nervous?

Sekido: W-what do you mean...

Zoha: uhh....

Urogi: Are you telling me...

Aizetsu: ...Seki...got...

Sekido: Is that what I felt all this time??

Sekido: After we went back from the town..?

He tried processing what's happening...he didn't know what to say or think

Aize came up to Karaku and comforts him..patting his back trying to stop him from crying

Aizetsu: Nii-chan it's not your fault..

Karaku: ....you were there too...

Aizetsu: what...

Karaku: I can't...I don't wanna say this anymore...these memories just came out of nowhere...

Urogi may not be good at comforting but he's trying his best to keep Sekido calm..
Zoha was just there confused of what's happening.

Karaku: Im sorry I said this...idk what's happening...

Aizetsu: It's ok...we'll forget abt it eventually..


They did.

But Karaku still has some memories to pick up.


a lil PEEK abt my AU's Backstory



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