Angst(?) 3

267 2 36

(I tried)
can't believe people actually like this abomination 🥰🥰

probably some fluff too??

anyways PART 3
- abuse
- sexual abuse??
- cringe 🤭

It has been hours since Sekido locked himself in his room after what happened..

so Aize and Urogi decides to talk to him
Aizetsu: Sekido?? Can we come in?

There was no answer

Urogi: Sekido can't just distance yourself from us..

Aizetsu: we need to talk..

Yet there was still no answer

Urogi: cmon please! We're hadn't come out for a day!..

Aizetsu: You didn't eat anything...

Urogi: what should we do..?

Aizetsu: maybe Nee-chan can help?

Urogi: yeah let's call him

Then they went looking for Karaku...
after they found him

Aizetsu: Nee-chan!

Karaku: hm?

Urogi: Sekido won't come out of his room

Aizetsu: doesn't matter how long we tried he won't even answer

Urogi: So we figured maybe you can help?

Karaku: me?

Aizetsu: yeah..!

He hesitated for a moment

Karaku: I...I don't know about that...

Aizetsu: please...he won't talk to any of us

Urogi: yeah! Don't think he hates you for no reason

Karaku: ....

Aizetsu: now can you

Urogi: we've never seen you two act like this to eachother...

Karaku: .....*sigh*......I'll try..

Karaku goes to his bedroom door....knocking it slowly

Karaku: Sekido?... aren't you gonna come out?'s been hours now..we're worried abt you..


no answer

Karaku: Look I know you just want to know what I've been hiding...I'm sorry I went too far..

Karaku: Can we please talk this out?


the door opened revealing Sekido in tears

Karaku: have you been crying?

Sekido: *sniff*....why do you care..

Karaku: why wouldn't I be?

Sekido: what do you want

Karaku: We need to talk..

On his bed...

Karaku: awhh you still kept the plushie I gave you?? ^^

Sekido was embarrassed...faint pink blush visible on his face

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