Canons meet Hashira!AU P1

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honestly I feel like the 'canons' would be fanons instead cuz I can't do shit emotions on the canons :/
but I won't bother to put 'Fanon' in the title

Timeline: Before Karaku's death

Karaku: 18 (Hashira)
Sekido: 14 (Tsuguko)
Aize&Urogi: 12 (In training)
Zoha: 11 ( Helper at the estate )

Just wanted to let you know in this AU Zoha is NOT related to them..

Quick backstory:
(2 years ago)
Karaku was on a mission when he found a house that has been destroyed by a demon...Zoha was unconscious on the floor while his parents are deceased
Karaku brought him back to the estate and teached him medical stuff


Author: oh ma garsh I wanna do this for a long time now

Miyu: Can I be in the story-

Author: NO >:(

Miyu: :(

Author: anyway, you wanna explain to them?

Miyu: yesh

Summoning the fanons

F!Sekido: wtf where are we

F!Karaku: Are there any slayers I can fight :D

F!Zoha: why am I here..I wanna go back :(

Miyu: Hi-

F!Urogi: AHH-

F!Aizetsu: ....

F!Karaku: heyyy you're a demon slayer 😃

Miyu: yes. Anyway Im here to explain what's going on ...ok so basically

bla bla bla after explaining

F!Sekido: excuse me...Hashira!? AU!?

Miyu: yes you heard me.

F!Sekido: what reason are we even here for!?

Miyu: no reason the reader wants content (right?)

F!Karaku: This is gonna be cool!!

F!Urogi: Ooh! Ooh! Are we all Hashiras!?

Miyu: uh no, it's a bit hard to explain that but let's just say...only ONE of you is a hashira

F!Sekido: I wonder who.

F!Karaku: maybe it's you Aniki!

F!Sekido: One, don't call me that. Two, why would I be

F!Karaku: why would you not be :3

Miyu: you guys will find out..bye.

Poof she gone

F!Urogi: I can't wait to meet them!!

F! Zoha: Im not :|

F!Karaku: you're just a hater

F! Sekido: Are they even aware that we're here ರ⁠_⁠ರ

F!Karaku: idk who cares 🤔

With the Hashira!AU

Karaku: is that so?

Miyu: yup! I've already explained to them

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