chapter one

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Beep beep

I heard my alarm blaring next to me. I didn't move at first in hopes that it would go away.

Beep beep

'damn clock' I thought as I turned around to face it.

Beep beep

"ugh" slowly, I brought my hand out from under the covers over to the menace.




"Milo! I heard the alarm, but I don't hear you getting up and ready for school!" damn it. "five more minutes..." I retorted while pushing my head under my pillows. "Milo!"

"alright... I'm up." I said as I groaned into my pillow.

I sat up and stretched my back till it popped in satisfaction. Standing up, I went over to the bathroom , connected to my room and turned on the shower. I stripped and got in. the water's cold so it'll wake me up faster. After I'm done, I actually started getting ready for the day.

When I'm done, I walked out the room, down the hall where I could hear all my siblings scrambling to get ready too, and down the stairs into the kitchen. The first person I saw is the one who woke me up. My mum, who's sitting at the table. "morning, Milo. How'd you sleep?" she asked like she didn't act like my second alarm ten minutes ago. "I slept fine."

"that's good. Daphne's making breakfast right now so it'll be ready in a bit." She explained as I walked over to the table. Great! Daphne's is one of our maids, and her cooking is divine. Daisy's, our other maid and daphne's sister, cooking isn't bad either, but her cleaning is better than Daphne's, so they take turns. They double as nannies for me and my siblings, taking us to and from school. Mum would do it, but she works full time at my dad's law firm as his assistant.

"Milo? Could you please go get your siblings for breakfast?" mum asked me just as I went to sit. I looked at her with a look that said: are you serious right now. "don't look at me like that, you can sit after you got them. Now go." she retorted, waving me off. I groaned again and dragged myself up the stairs again. You'd never think the youngest would look after the rest.

I walked over to the first room that's right by the stairway, and knocked. There was music blasting from inside so when the door wasn't opened, I knocked again just louder. This time I heard a reply. The door quickly swung open and revealed my oldest sibling. She was in her school uniform but her hair was still a mess. She looked at me and smiled. "morning Milo. You getting everyone for breakfast again?" she asked as she leaned against the door frame. "morning, Kira. Yeah, and it's daphne's week to cook." I said while nodding.

"ok, I'll be right out, just got to comb my hair." Oh, so she was about to do it anyways. She closed the door quickly while she said that. I decided that had to be good enough and went over to the next door. Just as I went to knock, the door opened to reveal my eldest brother. He was stumbling around as he tried to walk and put his shoes on at the same time. He quickly glanced up to see where he was going, but spotted me and stopped moving instantly. He then stretched out his arms to touch his toes in an exercising manner and stretched his arms up above his head. I saw what he was doing and couldn't help but snort at him.

"what are you doing, Mark?" I asked through my giggles when he went to do a second rep. he stopped and looked at me with a dopey grin. "what? You have to stretch in the mornings. Keeps the muscles limber." He joked with the voice of an old man, making me laugh even harder. After we calmed down I told him that breakfast is almost ready and he went ahead.

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