Part 3

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''Alright then,'' Lumine said, standing up and stretching her whole body ''We will start right away, the faster we do this the faster I can go home''. 


Over the past few days I have trained with Lumine and noticed that I got stronger every day. When were not training we talk about our life stuff: like our family, adventure's and people we have met. I couldn't believe that al this time dragons were among us, hiding within plain sight. The stories Lumine reminded me of the stories my brother used to tell me when were kids. Speaking of brothers, Lumine have told me quit a few things about hers. She told me that her brother was older by a few seconds, that her brother has already married somebody and have kids, but that also they haven't been on good terms since a horrible accident that made them both dislike eachother a lot. ''Say Ayaka, I think it's time for your final trainig'' she said. My final trainig? I'm not sure if I can do it.. but I supose I can try. ''Alright then, let's do it!''.


After some time went one, Lumine had finished setting up a kind of challenge for me, all I needed to do is touch the weird mechanic and defeat the challenge in a period of time. ''When ever you're ready and don't worry, I will be standing on the sideline incase someting goes wrong'' she said, standing a distant from. I took a deap breath and hold my sword very thight. I couldn't fail this challenge now, I have to do this, I can do this! I touched to mechanic and the challenge started, I had a time of 5 minutes Lumine had said and within 5 minutes I needed to defeat 3 ruin guards. The first one had been turned one and shot its rockets at me, I dodged very quickly and speeded to attack him, as I needed to keep my guard up incease he was going to attack again. With a powerfull hit the first ruin guard fell to the ground, I looked up at the time and I had 3 minutes and 49 seconds left, I knew I could to this. The second ruin guard was turned on and as the first one he shot his rockets at me. I barely doged them all, but I did and I was lucky because the second ruin guard jumped up in the sky. I was appeal to dodge this one and attacked him within seconds with the help of my vision. The second one fell to the ground, 2 minutes and 14 second left, I can do this. Then the final ruin guard was awoken, but this one was diffrent, it was flying! The third ruin guard had more rockets then the other 2 and some of the rockets had hit me pretty hard. I could feel the blood dripping from my head, I felt like wanting to faint. I couldn't give up, not after making it so far! I attacked the last ruin guard with al my strength left, I was exhausted from the last 2. The last ruin guard had hit my pretty nasty that I had lost alot of blood. I looked over at the timer, I had only 30 seconds left and this ruin guard wasn't near of being destroyed. And that is when I remebered that I had this elemantel burst that Lumine explained to me, if I restored enough elemantel energie I was appeal to summon a strong attack with my vision. I focused and held my sword tight, only 15 second left. I lifted my sword up and my vision glowed as I swinged my sword to the ruin guard. Then out of nowhere swirls of cryo went flying torwards the ruin guards, and there were only 5 seconds left. 5, 4, 3, 2 and...1. The challenge was.... complete. I did it. ''You did it!! You did it!!'' Lumine screamed as she ran towards me, picked me up and spinned me around. It hurt but I couldn't tell her as she smilled so brightly, and I swear I saw little tears from her eyes. ''Ayaka, do you know what this means?'' She asked and I knew the answer ,''That you can go home?'' I smiled ''No, I mean yea that's true, but you can officially can call yourself a vision holder!'' She said with  a big smile. She was correct, I'm a vision holder now. ''You're hurt'' Lumine said finally noticing my wounds. ''Let me help you''


Time has passed and the stars were shinning bright up in the sky, Lumine had made food and it was amazing. We kept talking and talking until we paused and appreciate the beautiful sky, but I noticed that Lumine didn't look quit happy. I decide I could ask what's wrong, ''Lumine,'' I said as I got her attetion ''there is something wrong, I can see off from your face''. ''I'm worried, worried about that peace of pearl I gave you. I would let you keep it, but you can't go around telling anyone you have a piece of my pearl. Don't fear, it would be near impossible for anyone except me to take it from you. But still be aware because in this world, anybody would do anything for a piece of a dragon's pearl... It's best not take chances.... I-i'm sorry I need to go.'' she said standing up holding her head as if it hurt. ''You're going away? Now?'' I asked. ''Yes, my family know I'm done with my task, they are giving signals to come back to the sea. My court needs me after all these years.''She explained. ''When will you be back?'' I asked, I need to know when she would be back. ''When would you return?'' I asked. ''I would return in spring''. ''What?! But it just turned summer, that would almost be a year until I can see you again!'' I panicked, why does she need to stay away for so long? What if I mess up with my vision, I won't know how to fix my mistakes. ''You don't need to panick so much,'' she said as she clearly saw my face expressions ''Time runs diffrent in my kingdom. It would only be 4 months for me until for you time to be it spring again''. ''B-but, you'll miss so much, like my birthday, beautiful festivals and my wedding''. That caught her by suprise. ''Right, you're going to be married to on of the prince in the..uh.. far west right?''. ''I think so, I don't remeber.'' I mumbled. ''I understand, so take this please.'' She said handing me a small bag with a little necklace hanging onto it. ''What is this?'' I asked, ''I promised I would grant your family with eternity of luck, so in this bag obtained with golden dust, spread it acrouse your house and family. Then it would do the rest.'' she explained. Then finally she stood up and walked towards the sea, I ran after her. Before she walked into sea she turned and walked towards me, ''Now, i've already stayed longer that I should have. Not to worry Ayaka. I'll return faster than you know it.'' She smiled, when had she gotten so close? I could smell the sweetness of the food she had made. Then, she kissed my cheek, her lips softer than I had imagined for a sea dragon. Then, without waiting for my reaction, she ran towards the water and dove under. She rised up again, only to appear more sea dragon then human. ''I'll see you in spring!'' She yelled waving goodbye with her tail, splashing before I lost sight of her complety. I held the bag close to my chest and removed the necklace and putted it on. I turned around and walked back home, Spring suddenly seemed so far away.

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