part 7

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Mature content ahead

If you are not comfortable with mature content then please skip the part and i will put a warning in the beginning and the end

Author pov:

Alexander Ethan and Liam came in a club

Alexander did not bring any bodyguard with him beacuse he know that in this time there is no need to bring them

And also Ethan and Liam is also with him so there is no worries

When Ethan open the door of the car Alexander get off the car and go towards the club

At club there was two muscular Bodyguards standing and checking all the people who were get into the club beacuse it is one of the most famous club in the hole city so anyone who want to enter the club have to get pass without it no one is allowed to enter

When Alexander got into the club none of the gard say anything to him cause he is the owner and the gards know him cause Alexander came here once or twice in a month

Along with Alexander, Liam and Ethan came they all go towards a VIP room and order drink

A blond hair girl came with their drink her top two button was open and the skirt and white shirt is cling like a second skin she have a little too much makeup as if she just done it a while ago

The waiter knew that the owner is here and she wanted to take some advantage of the situation and take an upper hand in the club

After serving the drinks she sit beside Alexander and she seducely rome his eyes over his chest and lips and then look his perfect body

His body is looking like a hot meal to her
His body is like a perfect example of God make him with so much time and with so much perfection

she bite her lips with a seducing manner and started to rome her hand on his thighs

Alexander look at her hand on his thighs and then look at her with a dominance he's looking at her intensely without smiling and even looks angry or stern

Alexander do fuck women but he never like any womens touch on his body

It was always a fuck and need as a men for Alexander every woman is are like a slut who wants to be fucked by him

He know that every woman around him will be ready to spread their legs in front of him because of his looks status and his money

he never touch a woman twice in his whole life

the witness remove her hand from his thighs and glump hardly beacuse of his furious eyes

Seeing the fear in her eyes a smirk made it’s way in his lips
Alexander like to see fear in people’s eye for him

Ethan and Liam was sitting in front of him and watching all the sean happening
It is not something new for them to watch as they continue to drink as they know what is going to happen

Ethan is Alexander and Liam's childhood friend
This three budy spend their hole childhood together

In the business and the mafia things Ethan is Alexander's right hand but when they are together with no work they want Ethan to behave like their best friend

Alexander clench the  waitress chain in a tight grip and brought her face near him and say in a deep and demanding voice " what is your name "

The waitress watch in his blue eyes which is now dark with lust and need

"Abigail. My name is Abigail " with a heavy breath Abigail answer his question

Alexander smirk looking at her state how she is checking him out with her eyes and shamelessly rooming her eyes on him

" Don’t you think we should be somewhere else, Kajiri " with husky voice he said what send shivering down her spain

(Kajiri means Hire. Dominant generally like to call their submissive kajiri 🫣🫣)

Alexander left her chain and got up from his couch and left the vip room
And go to a room along with Abigail

Warning ahead mature content 🔞🔞🔞

Even i am giving a warning you still are going to read  😏😏 soo enjoy it

When Abigail enter the room she was push against the door with a force her front collide with the wooden material and her back was facing him

Alexander put his one hand on her nape and another was keeping her both hand behind her back

" are you ready for the night, beacuse when i am going to start i am not going to stop fucking you slut " Alexander state with a husky voice

" i want you dady " that was all Abigail could say with a deep breathe

With the saying Alexander bite her neck and Abigail whimper in pain and started to feel throbbing her core with need

Alexander pull her around and cup her cheek with his one hand and put his index finger in her mouth and she started to suck it

In a moment Alexander rip her shirt off and the next moment she was thrown to the bed with a heavy impact and beacuse of the impact her body bounce a little

Alexander open his shirt and throw it in a corner and said " strip the left, i want you left with nothing on your body wore or you are going to regret it badly "

With the said Abigail glump and try to better her dry thoart and quickly undo her left clothes
She is now naked infront of him

Alexander is half naked he still has his pant on him

Alexander go towards a drawer and take out a handcuff and hovered over her take her both hand cuffed with the bed

Alexander never like women's hand on his body so when ever he fuck a wore he always cuffed their hand

" now you wore listen me you will not make any kind of sound or moan i will fuck you mouth like you will forget how to talk for days, got it "

Gluming the spit what was gather in her throat she nod in response but Alexander glare at her " just use your fucking mouth women "

" yes sir " was all she said

Without any warning Alexander thrush his middle finger in her virginia and thrush fastly and starching it

By fingering her Alexander know she is not virgin and he didn’t expert her to be one eather as how she was trying to get his attention

When Alexander grew the spread and thrush her mercilessly Abigail couldn’t help and orgasm with a loud scream
And the next moment close her mouth with her hand even when she was panting hard

" didn’t i told you not to make any noise " Alexander say in a warning tone

Alexander uncuffs her from bed and cuffed them behind her back trun her around and smash Abigail's face on the pillow

Alexander remove his jeans along with his boxer pull Abigail's hip in the air and without a warning Alexander thrush his hole length in her in one go

Abigail couldn’t help scream in pure pleasure Alexander is pounding in her in an inhuman speed and with every thrush Abigail was jerked forward and she watches under him

If it was not for Alexander's hand on her head keeping her still in the position she must have hit her head with the bed's headboard

After some powerful thrush Abigail orgasm again but Alexander was not done yet

The night pass with Alexander's growl and the sound of skin slapping

Alexander take her 2 time from front and 3 time from behind in a row without giving a break

When Alexander was done Abigail was at the verge of passing out she was feeling numb she couldn’t feel her legs and drift into darkness

To be continued...............

End of the smuts

Please let me know how was it i never wrote smut befor i am writing it for the first time

See you soon hope you like the chapter please vote and comment

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