part 12

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" you are not going anywhere, you are going to say here from now "

Author pov :

When Alexander declarer his decision like a king what he is bella was stunned to say anything or give any reaction

She is looking at him like nothing

After some moment when she is able to compose herself she free her wrist from alex's grip

Alex did let her do that cause if not for his willing bella would not be able to free herself from him

Her little strength is nothing infront of him

Alex keep his cold expression on and by passing second bella is getting goosebumps all over her body

She is scared of him by now but bella is not going show him that

" what do you mean by i can not go anywhere and who are you to told me that " with a little courage she have in her she say herself infront of him

But when she did not saw any reaction or any wards from him she is losing her courage

" i will not stay here, i just want to go my home " with this saying bella run towards the door and twist the door knob but her bad luck the door is lock

After some more try she still could not open the door

" but when that maid came here with the food and medicine the door was unlock then why this is lock now "  bella thought and tears started to gather in her eyes

Slowly bella kneel down infront of the door and tears escape from her eyes

Suddenly bella's seance got alert when she feel presence behind her and there is no one without her and him present in the room

Alexander kneel down and hold her shoulder when alex touch her bella flench and turn around and saw him too close per her liking

With fear in her eyes she push her back on the door wishing the hard wooden door to shallow her and help her escape her from this situation

Seeing this kind of reaction from bella alex got up from the floor and take a step back

" stant up " alex say with a deep voice and with a cold expression on his face

" please let me go, i just want to go home please let go i know you are a good guy you save me from those bad guys " bella say with a heavy heart and some expectations that he will understand her and let her leave

But she got more confused when she saw him chuckling

" you have no idea what i am and how worse i am compared to those guys and trust me isa you don’t want to know about this " when alex say this she got shock to hare him calling her with a nickname

And also how did he know her name who is he and why the hell he is doing this to her

When bella was thinking these alex say with annoying voice " i said get the fuck up right now and be a good girl what you are or else i will not hesitate to apply my methods on you and i an dame sure you are not going to like it "

After alex listening him fear crawl her whole body

She got up from the floor and stood up infront of him

Alex take a step forward and this make bella to take a step back

When bella's back hit the wall alex was just a inc away from her

" pl..eas.e don't don’t come close to me i beg you " bella say with a trimble lips and some sob escape from her mouth

Alex is observing bella she is trembling with fear he can see in her eyes how much scared she is with the closeness

Alex keep an eye on her from a long time and know every single thing about her he also know that she never let any boy come close to her let alone touch her and this make him amaze

Whenever any boy try to get close to her she got panic and fear crawl in her body so alex take a step back from her and give her her liking space

" i am listening you this thing does not mean i will listen your every thing you will be the one who will listen to me and follow each and every word or else forget about this thing also that i will give you any space "

" but why i have to live here what did i do to you " bella say while crying

" you will know when the time will come till now be a good girl and listen to me and try to get out from this room or make any stupid idea in your brain then the consequence will be very bad for you " saying this alex left the room and bella go towards the bed and started to cry

To be continued........................

I hope you all will like this chapter

I know this chapter might feel boring but i will try to make the next chapter interesting
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