part 10

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Author pov :

Bella is walking on the street and checking her mobile her sister send her a message

When bella was walking on the street she was continuously feeling someone is following her and keep an eye on her

But whenever she look at back she found no one there so keep walking on the street

Bella reach on the chemist and got in and buy her medicine

She had a disturb childhood but her parents have no idea about it she keep it all to herself and never told anyone about that more like she had no courage to tell anyone

And beacuse of that past and unable to share with anyone she become emotionally weak

She had many panic attack in her childhood which she manage all by herself cause she will be unable to explain why she is getting one

It was so hard and painful for her to go though it all alone how always she wanted if there were someone for her with her

But after shifting here she was almost forget about her past but suddenly she is started to remember everything again and again

She try many time to let it go but her mind is playing all the happening again and that's why she is here to buy her some medicine so she can feel a little better

She send her friends home cause she did not told them either so she send them home

When she was done buying her medicine she got out from the chemist and started to walk towards her home

When she check the time It's past 1.53 am so she want to reach her friends hurry

Her doom get close by 10 and she is going to stay with them tonight

She started to look for a cab on the road but the is so silent and she is freaking out

Suddenly a black huge car came on her view and stop some black man came out from the car and caught bella and started to take her in the car

When they were dragging her towards the car her medicine fall on the ground

Bella started to scream but all was in vain there was no one near her

They made her sit on the car and start the engine

Bella was continuously trying to get free her self but her strength is nothing infront of them there was 6 total man on the car

When they saw bella is not stop moving they injected something in her neck

After the injection bella is feeling weak by every passing second

After few second a black car stop infront of their car and the driver stop the car one man came out from the car and go towards the car

" wht the fuck do you want man, do you want to die get the fucking car out infront of our car " the yell with a frustrating but got no response

The driver was looking all of this suddenly a loud gunshot was heard and the black man feel on the ground with a loud thud

The mans who is in the car panicked and open the car door and got out from it

After a few second there car is surrounding by 8 cars and mans in black shirt came from the cars with guns

All the man who were trying to kidnapping bella lost colour from their face

Among the gun holding mans a tall handsome man with a black glass man came forward and stand infront of them

When the kidnappers was the face and the person holding black personally they became still on their place

Infront of them there was standing the devil their death the mafia king Alexander Anderson

They gey down on their kneels and started to shaking with fear

They are afraid not beacuse they are going to die but beacuse they are going to see hell

It will be best for them if Alexander order his man ti kill them but if he decide to keep them alive then they will be seeing hell on the earth and befor their death

Alexand commend his right hand Ethan to bring them to his cell left from them and started to walk towards the car where is bella

When Alexander command Ethan to bring them to his cell they scream is fear and started to beg for kill them but Alexander give them no dame shit

If is was another day Alexander must feel happy to here their scream but now he is flaming in anger cause someone dare to touch his thigh and no one dare try to touch his thighs

They are going to pay for this

When he reach the car where  bella is sitting he go closer to her and saw that she is barely conscious

Her eyes are dropping close

Bella saw a man infront of her and saw concern in them " please help me they are going to hurt me " bella say with a pleading tone

" don’t worry princess no one is going to hurt you you are safe with me now i am not going to leave you alone " when Alexander say this with a clam voice a tear escape from bella's eye

The last thing she was the man is taking her bridal style in his arm and like that she feel unconscious

not knowing that now the saver who save her today is going to be her captiver for forever and from him no one will be able to save her

To be continued..................

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