part 13

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Author pov:

Alexander left his room cause if he stay in the room one more second then he will hurt her

When alex was trying to get close to her but she was continuously going away from him and it was making him furious

That's why he left her alone and let her accept her fate that she is going to stay here from now on

At first Alexander was planing to take her to him after some time later when she will complete her study cause when he gathered her every detail he came to know that she love to study so he decided to give her some time

But when his man inform him about those kidnapped thing he was so angry and decided he will take her now and will never allow anyone to hurt her

He keep those men in his warehouse which is more like a jail or more like hell for those who try to betrayed him or go against him but those try to touch his girl and he will make sure to let them see hell befor their death

And he will do it by himself

Alexander leave his mansion and set in his car and told the driver to start the engine

After sometime the car stop infront of a huge building and a man all in black suit came and open the door and Alexander came out from car

The building is huge and shining bright under sunlight the building is full cover with glass anyone can tell it is a top company

The building is huge and shining bright under sunlight the building is full cover with glass anyone can tell it is a top company

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Alexander Anderson the name is not only powerful in underworld but also in business world

Alexander is a great business man and his company is in 1st position in the whole country he has branches outside the country

He is known as a cold and strict CEO  nothing and no one can escape from his eyes he can tell a person's character just looking at them

When Alexander was going though the entrance the watchman open the door for him and alex go in the building

Every person present stand up from their sit and bow infront of him but alexander did not gave any response to anyone and go towards his cabin

When he was in his cabin every employ take  breathe of relief cause if alex find anyone disrespect him or any kind of neglect in the work the person will loose job without any explanation and that's why his company is best in the whole country

When Alexander came in his cabin he call his right hand Ethan to came in his cabin

Ethan is Alexander's right hand in mafia and assistant in office he always stay like a shadow with Alexander

" boss you call me " ethan say in a professionally

" did those dog burk why they were doing that with her or they want to meet me personally " Alexander say with a annoyed expression on his face

" they are continuously saying that they don’t know, that person never came infront of them they had a phone call and also that phone call was private " Alexander hmm at Ethan's and told him to continue to do his work

Ethan left the cabin after bowing to Alexander

When Ethan was out from the cabin he think about something and rub his temple and then started to do his work

During the work Alexander call his house head maid to check about Bella and also check the cctv of his house to see her movement

The house head maid told him she tryed to make Bella eat but Bella refuse to eat bella did not touch food for the whole day and also Alexander saw her in the cctv how she continuously trying to open the door and in the noon she was crying hard and fall sleep

Alexander finish his work as soon as possible and go to his mansion cause if he work like other day Bella might kill her self or feel sick

When alex reach his mansion he told a maid to bring the food to his room and straight go to his room

When he open the door and go inside he saw bella in his bed she is holding her knees to his chest and she was hiding her head between her hand right now she is a mess

Alex lock the door throw his coat in the couch and loosen his tie and go towards bella

When bella was in her own world feeling alex's touch on her shoulder she push back her body towards bed hardboard and look up when she saw alex infront of her her eyes fill with tears

Alex is now having a hard time to see her like that he don’t like who bella is reacting and her tears is breaking his heart

" why are you not eating anything from the morning do you want to fall sick " alex ask bella with a cold voice

" i just want to go home i don’t want to stay here or i don’t want to eat anything why don’t you understand leave me let me go please " bella beg alex whil sobbing

Alex's cold feature turn into angry one and by looking at alex bella became more scared

Alex hold bella's upper arm in a farm grip and jerk her towards him and now bella in inches away from him and bella's whole body in shaking in fear

" i told you you are not going anywhere ever, you are going to stay with me from now for your entire life get that in your small head "

Alex say with a hard expression

To be continued.................

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