Chapter 1

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  January 25, 2046, in a room in a luxury community in the center of Suzhou City.

  Let me go, it hurts so much, kill me! I beg you, kill me!
  Sitting up suddenly! Tang Yu looked around.

  The milky white walls and huge floor-to-ceiling windows made Tang Yu feel familiar yet strange at the same time!

  This seems to be my room! Am I in a dream?

  He pinched his arm hard.

  pain! Not a dream!

  Am I not tied to the table and being quartered?
  Could it be that... I was reborn?
  Tang Yu began to look around seriously, and his memory began to slowly come back.

  Isn't this my room before the end of the world?

  Tang Yu quickly took out his phone and turned on the screen!

  January 25, 2046! The end of the world has not begun yet!
  In my previous life, it was April 25, 2046, and the temperature suddenly dropped!

  That is the day, the end of the world begins!
  3 months to go! You must make good use of these three months. Whether you can survive and live well in the last days depends on these three months!
  In his previous life, Tang Yu lived until his fifth year. Tang Yu had eaten mice, tree bark, and everything else he could eat!

  Come again, Tang Yu never wants to do that again! If it wasn't for a bite to eat, Tang Yu wouldn't have been caught, cut into pieces, and eaten by those people! No, those people are no longer human beings!
  Tang Yu hurriedly took out the Hetian White Jade No-Nothing Sign hanging around his neck.

  This has been worn by Tang Yu since he was a child. His father said that he exchanged it with an old Taoist priest for a box of good wine in a Taoist temple! When the old Taoist was drunk, he said it was a treasure! So let Tang Yu carry it all the time!

  Tang Yu had always carried it with him in his previous life, hiding it in the innermost part of his clothes, so it wasn't taken away! But when Tang Yu was dismembered, Tang Yu clearly felt a space in his mind at the last moment. At that time, it was too painful to think about it. Now thinking about the whole body, it seems that only this jade pendant may have problems!

  He rushed to the kitchen, took out the kitchen knife, cut his finger without blinking, and immediately put the cut on the jade pendant!

  It is obvious that the color of the jade pendant is changing. It was faint red at first, and as Tang Yu's face became paler, the jade pendant became redder and redder!
  Suddenly, Yu Pei disappeared directly! at the same time. Tang Yu obviously felt a space appear in his mind!
  It was also the first time for Tang Yu to look at the space carefully.

  There is no land, no walls, everything is gray!
  No one can get in! Tang Yu tried to put the kitchen knife in his hand. As soon as the idea appeared, the kitchen knife disappeared in his hand. Then he felt the space in his mind, and he obviously felt that the kitchen knife was in the space, suspended there.

  The space is so big that Tang Yu doesn't know how big it is! No boundaries!
  Tang Yu tried to put the bed in again, put his hands on the head of the bed, thinking in his mind, close!

  The big bed in front of me has disappeared!

  After trying a few more times, Tang Yu found out that no living things could be placed in the space! Just now Tang Yu tried to put his little turtle in it! As soon as you put it in, you feel like time has stopped! But the little turtle didn't come to life when I took it out! I took a few more ice cubes from the refrigerator and put them in to see how long they last!

The end of the world: I spent all three billion after rebirthWhere stories live. Discover now