Chapter 7

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  Tang Yu woke up early in the morning, finished his lunch in a leisurely manner, added coal to the stove, and started to equip himself!

  There are no more relief supplies now! If you don’t have anything to eat, you’ll have to think of a solution on your own!

  So it’s even messier outside!

  A machete hangs on the left side, and a dagger is tied to the right thigh! Tang Yu was panicking, always feeling like something was going to happen!
  After thinking for a while, I installed Ichitekura under my armpit! This makes me feel more at ease!
  What I brought with me today was the same backpack I had last time. This time Tang Yu put the bow and crossbow box directly in the bag!

  Another coat was put on outside, and the knife and Mucang were blocked! Concealment is very good!

  At 9:30, when Tang Yu arrived at the door on his motorcycle, everyone was already there, including a few new people!
  You guys are so early, I thought I was early enough.

  This time I wanted to go a little further and see if I could get more!

  Yes, none of them are like Tang Yu, they all support their families! Unlike Tang Yu, one person is full and the whole family is not hungry!

  This time I plan to go to the busiest place in Sioux City. There are many companies and shopping malls there, which means there will definitely be a lot of people!

  It usually takes about 20 minutes to drive there, but now the road is very slippery and most people use bicycles, so it takes more than an hour to get there!

  Sure enough, all the windows in the store were smashed! It’s the city center after all! It’s already this time, and there are a lot of people!
  They are all here to find supplies! The captain looked at the situation and assigned it!
  Five people were left to watch the car! How about putting all the supplies together and sharing them equally?
  This allocation is indeed the most realistic! It is the disagreement over who looks at the car.

  After all, everyone wants to find supplies! Although it will be divided equally in the end, but! Can't we eat before we come down?
  There is no way, we can only go our own way! Find a place to hide the car yourself!

  Tang Yu didn't care, he pushed the car directly to a remote facade room, and then put it into the space! Who can steal it!
  The captain told us the time to gather again, and they freely formed a team to search for supplies!
  Tang Yu didn't care how they formed a team. He rushed directly to the mall, because the underground and first floors were a large supermarket! He couldn't believe that nothing was left behind!
  The door has been smashed open! Tang Yu entered directly! There are not many people on the first floor, because the food is concentrated on the first floor! Tang Yu also went directly to the negative floor! Turn on the flashlight. Sure enough, there are already many people! The lights of various flashlights seem to be at a concert!
  There are not many things on the shelves, so someone must have visited it a long time ago!
  All that is left are some soy sauce, vinegar and some seasonings! It was frozen solid! No wonder no one wants it!

  After looking around, all the edible ones were taken away! Tang Yu began to look at each small door!
  It shouldn't be! Such a big supermarket doesn't have a warehouse? ?

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