Chapter 8

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  When they arrived at the assembly point, most people were very happy because they found a lot of supplies!

  Only those who just joined, maybe the place is too big and I don’t know where to start, and I didn’t find a lot of food!
  The captain looked at Tang Yu's bag, and stepped forward and asked: "Xiao Tang, why did you find so little? Didn't you just rush to the supermarket?"
  Hey, don’t mention it, the food in the supermarket has long been gone! There are still a large group of people lying on the ground looking for something to eat!

  If I hadn’t gone to the office building upstairs and searched two floors later, I would have gone back empty-handed today!
  Hey, it's getting harder and harder to find supplies now!

  Yes, more and more people are looking for supplies! It is estimated that there will be no fire in the future!

  It's not too cold, I really want to come every day.

  Who wouldn’t want to, but my body can’t stand it, it’s over forty degrees below zero! Never thought about it before!

  I don't know when it's the head!
  How about we come once in three days?
  Can you bear it? If you
  can’t bear it, there is nothing you can do! If you don't eat, you will starve to death!

  It was already 6 o'clock when we returned to the community!

  We didn't stop at the door and went straight to our homes. It was too cold!

  That little wind, as long as there is a little gap in your body, it will try to get in!
  At the door of the house, Tang Yu opens the door as quickly as possible, enters the door, and closes the door!
  Afraid of being borrowed from next door!
  Back in the basement to add wood to the stove! I took off my coat and sat directly in front of the stove, it was too cold! !
  He took out ginger soup from the space and drank two full bowls. I just felt a little heat on my body!

  I have to go out to the supermarket in a while! Tang Yu wants to warm up his body as soon as possible!
  While warming up by the fire, prepare the things you need to prepare when you go out!

  That's about it for weapons! If it doesn't work, put a rifle in the car! It will be foolproof!

  The cutting machine is full of electricity! There are still many in the space, if not, just change from the space!
  I also thought about putting the still burning stove into the space directly, it must be very cold by then!
  Thinking about the night of more than fifty degrees below zero! Tang Yu flinched a little! But I am afraid that the door will be opened first by others!

  Dry! ! If you can't, just set up a big fire, and you won't believe it!
  8pm. Tang Yu went out quietly! Without driving, he walked out of the gate of the community on his legs.

  He didn't want anyone to find out he was out!
  Very cold! But Tang Yu, who just added a thermal underwear and a jacket, can still accept it.

  The soles of the feet, knees, stomach, and hands are all covered with baby warmers!
  Quietly walked out of the gate, walked another fifty meters forward, and looked around for no one.

  The modified Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicle was released directly!

  Get in the car immediately, start the car, and turn up the air conditioner to full blast!
  After waiting for five minutes, I finally felt a hint of warmth! Tang Yucai took off his coat and drove to the supermarket.

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