Chapter 2

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  This is not the first time Tang Yu has come to the United States. He directly found a hotel and opened a room for half a month.

  Without acquaintances, Tang Yu doesn't know where there is a black market! But Tang Yu has already considered it!

  I still rented two large warehouses first! No one was hired this time, after all, it was different from domestic ones! It's okay to be stolen, but it's not worth being robbed and killed!
  Then I went to the car dealership with the highest rating on the Internet through mobile phone navigation.

  Directly paid for a Unimog off-road RV, Tang Yu finally met the boss!

  In order to build a good relationship with the boss, I took the boss to discuss the improvement plan of the RV! Because the modification is another cost, the boss is still very happy!

  The carriage is 6 meters long, not counting the front! A layer of steel plate was added to the car body, and all the glass was replaced with bulletproof glass. The anti-collision bumper on the front face is a thick steel plate directly used!

  I also ordered more than a dozen vehicle-mounted snow pushers!
  The boss chatted with Tang Yu very happily! Really happy!
  Seeing Tang Yu refit the car like this, he recommended the Black Samurai of the Hummer H2!

  Very good, five cars!

  The relationship between Tang Yu and the boss is better!

  Don! Why do you like hardcore off-road vehicles so much? Young people should like sports cars, right?

  No, no, I think this is a car driven by a man, very domineering! And I like traveling by car, these cars are more convenient, aren't they? (Sports car? That's a big toad after the end of the world!)

  Yes, yes, we still have a lot of excellent off-road vehicles here, why don't you take a look again!
  The boss likes Tang Yujiu even more! He feels that he has fallen in love with Tang Yu!
  Because Tang Yu ordered 5 more Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicles and 10 pickup trucks, and also entrusted the car dealer to continue the modification, so he referred to the standards of RVs! How to be strong and how to come. Each car is also equipped with 100 special snow tires and run-flat tires!
  And I ordered 100 tons of gasoline and 100 tons of diesel directly from the car dealership!
  Jack, I plan to buy some thermal weapons for self-defense. I don't have a green card. Do you have any channels?

  Dear Don, It's so easy to do this here in America! One of my brothers specializes in supplying goods to Africa! I introduce you!
  Tang Yu spent so much money and finally achieved the purpose of coming here. Otherwise, why would he go to the United States? Although buying them in China will be very expensive, Tang Yu is not short of money.

  After waiting for three days, Tang Yu finally met Jack's friend!
  And he took Tang Yu directly to an apartment in the city center.

  See the weapons and equipment hanging on the walls! Tang Yu's heart suddenly became hot! No man can resist the temptation of Mucang!

  m1911, 100 guns, 20 boxes of bullets!
  m1416, 100 guns, 50 boxes of bullets!
  AWM, 5 guns, 10 boxes of various bullets!
  Barrett, 5 guns, 10 boxes of various warheads!
  As long as Tang Yu liked the others, he bought two of them and collected them!
  Each wooden warehouse is fully equipped! He also asked for a lot of magazines!
  Sabers, bulletproof vests, bulletproof helmets, night vision goggles, grenades, explosives, I bought a lot!

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