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At Val's place, the atmosphere was lively and chaotic. Sophie was bouncing on Val's bed with contagious enthusiasm, while Nick rummaged through Val's closet, on a mission to find the perfect dress for her date. Alex, sitting in the corner, watched the scene with amusement, taking in the whirlwind of activity.

"OMG, I was right! I could feel the tension the other day at the bar, you know? I just knew it," Sophie exclaimed, her excitement evident.

Val's voice filled the room from the partially open bathroom door "Please, it's just one date. I'm not getting together with him."

 Sophie, unfazed by her friend's reassurance, continued, "You sure about that?"

 Nick joined in, showing a dress to Sophie. "Hey, Soph, what about this?". Sophie considered the dress before asking, "What's the dress code? Val, what did he say?"

Val's voice carried over the bathwater running in the background  "He just said dress nice. I don't know what kind of 'nice' he meant."

Alex, who had been quietly observing, chimed in with a suggestion. "Wear a monochrome dress. It'll fit right no matter what occasion it is."

"That sounds right," Nick agreed, taking on the challenge. "Yeah, that sounds perfect. I'll look for something in pastel or beige. It'll look classy and fun."

Valentina emerged from the bathroom, clad in a bathrobe, and found Nick had thoughtfully laid out two outfit options for her. "So, which one am I wearing?" she inquired.

Nick contemplated for a moment. "Well, I'd say the beige one," he began, "but then again, the pink is also an option."

Sophie chimed in with her opinion. "Beige, please. That's a very pretty dress," she urged. Alex joined the consensus, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, beige is good."

With a smile, Valentina confirmed her choice. "Beige it is."

Sophie immediately stepped into action. "Great, I'll help you with makeup. Come." Nick walked back towards the closet. "And I'll go look for shoes."

"Nicky, try something comfortable. What if I have to walk? I don't want a matching limp," Valentina teased.

Alex had a different idea. "I'll go make lemonades for all of you," he volunteered. He disappeared into the kitchen, returning 15 minutes later. As they settled back onto the bed, he directed the conversation to the story of how Valentina and Carlos had met.

"So, how did you meet him exactly?" Alex asked, his curiosity piqued.

Valentina leaned back, taking a sip of lemonade. "Oh, his father has been my patient for a year. He brought his mother in March, and that's when I met him. But we actually got to talking when we were in Imola for your wedding," she explained.

On another side of the city, Carlos was diligently planning what he hoped would be a perfect date. He had enlisted Kika's help to gather information about Valentina's favourite restaurants, wanting to make sure every detail was just right. With a determined focus, he delved into learning more about her likes and interests, He wanted the evening to be a reflection of his genuine interest in Valentina and his desire to show her a side of him that extended beyond the racetrack.

Carlos arrived at the Romero household right on time, feeling a mix of anticipation and excitement. He knocked on the door, and it was Alex who greeted him, opening the door with a welcoming smile. Valentina emerged right behind him, and in that moment, Carlos was momentarily rendered speechless.

Without missing a beat, he took her hand and brought it to his lips, bestowing a gallant kiss. "You look breathtakingly gorgeous, mi amor," he said, his voice laced with genuine admiration.

Carlos then presented her with a bouquet of lilies. Valentina's surprised reaction didn't go unnoticed. "Lilies? Did you ask someone about my favourites?" she inquired.

Carlos grinned, his eyes sparkling with playful charm. "Just putting in some effort."

As a gentlemanly gesture, he opened the car door for her, allowing her to step in with grace. With a shared smile and a newfound sense of anticipation, they set off for what promised to be a memorable evening.

They arrived at a highly sought-after restaurant, one that Valentina had always wanted to try. She gazed at the entrance, clearly surprised and impressed by Carlos's choice. "You got reservations for this?" she asked, her voice filled with soft wonder.

Carlos chuckled, a touch of pride in his tone. "Well, driving for Ferrari is a big bonus, you know."

As he extended a hand towards her, his eyes held a warmth that was hard to miss. "Shall we get this date started?" he invited his words carrying a sense of eagerness and a promise of shared moments ahead.

TWIN FLAME , Carlos Sainz Jr.Where stories live. Discover now