How This Fic Came To Be

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Summary: This is just what I had in my notes, the whole 5.(something)k came to be because of this idea. I had it in my notes.

• Sakura time travels back not knowing if someone else comes back with her.

• They move towards the training field that gai's team is accompanying and as the two of her teammates talk and befriend Team 9 she avoids directly looking at Neji.

• Neji is sus, he says "Hello Sakura, long time no see." (Or something like that)

• Sakura looks at him, blinks and then her brain connects the dot! She says, "Neji? You're back?"

• Neji shuddered in silent laugh and both of them realised that they were both from the future! (Much to everyone else's confusion./ They didn't know that Neji and Sakura knew each other)

• Then they decide that if they both are back then someone else might be back too!

• They go towards team 10 without haste! Their teams follow them. (Sakura asked Kakashi to let them meet up with Ino's team cause she misses Ino)

• They don't realise who might have come back but as they look at others in the eyes they find that Shikamaru had not looked up from his resting place/ didn't meet Asuma in the eyes.

• "Shika!" Sakura shouts at him with his nickname that she is used to calling him from the future. Shikamaru takes exactly one second to realise that this Sakura is familiar. He abruptly stands up and looks at Sakura and Neji, who is still standing beside her. They both look at Shikamaru in that familiar way.

• "Troublesome. Neji." He nods at the guy and feels a bit faint since Neji died before anyone else.

• "Fuck! Shika!" She squeals and jumps at him.

• Shikamaru catches her as she barrels towards him and hugs her tightly. The rest of the Three teams just stare at them as Neji too joins in on their reunion.

Neji died as canon, Sakura was next— she died trying due to chakra exhaustion. Shikamaru died a bit after Sakura.


There are ways I can expand the fic but I think I will keep it short for now.

If I try to expand this into a 20-chapter something then it will become really tedious for me as I am already writing a Gojo X Reader fanfic.

I hope you enjoyed the previous two chapters and please forgive any typos, all my fics are unedited.

If you want you can go and read my other Naruto fanfic. Just so you know, the other is "Implied" romance.

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