shopping trip!

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'Are there gonna be made up stores?'
Yeah, probably!

And here we are, me and these two goofers wandering around the mall.

Sun dragged me into a bright looking store, looked as if it was made for him, soft colors, sun themed shirts and accessories. Meanwhile, moon was yelling at a claw machine.

Sun looked between me and shirt before nodding, he pushed the shirt to my chest and urged me into a dressing room. Sun looked around the store while I changed, I stepped out. Sun looked back at me and his cheeks grew a light pink as he squealed. "You look amazing y/n!! I mean you always do..." sun said that last part under his breath, barely above a whisper, clasping his hands together he grinned. "Do you like it sunshine?" I knew this was a trap, dont try and spend all your money on me mister.
"I do, but I'm paying." I said blankly, stepping back into the room I pulled the curtain shut and changed back into my former shirt.
"Huh- no! Sunshine I insist." Sun said through the curtain, I pushed the curtain open and shook my head firmly.
"Ughh.. Fine! But I wanna get ice cream for all of us." I smiled softly, walking up to the register sun followed behind me. I handed the right amount of money to the cashier, they thanked me and as did I.

Me and sun exited the store to see moon banging his hand against the glass on the claw machine, me and sun exchanged looks before I broke into laughter. Sun hurried over and pulled moon from the machine before he broke it. Feral.

"Yaay! Ice cream!!" Sun cheered, well all sat in a booth. I sat between the two of them, theyll fight over anything. Seriously. 'I want to sit next to y/n!' blah blah.. Sun got vanilla, moon, cookies and cream, I got - [insert favorite ice cream]

(if you don't like ice cream then feel free to pick out any kind of snack you want!🤍)

Moon rambled on and on about the unfair claw machine, may his revenge come soon. Sun insisted violence isn't the answer, moon said 'agree to disagree.'

Once we finished our ice creams/snack, we headed back to walking through the mall. When it came to these two, shopping was more walking around then actually buying things. I think they just enjoy being outside of the daycare every once in a while, and I can't blame them. Moon bought himself some star stickers, sun and moon then argued over the stickers.

"I'm just saying, sun." Moon shrugged, sun crossed his arms and scoffed.
"I dont just stick them wherever I want, moon, I plan!" Moon snickered.
"You plan, huh? Is your plan to just have stickers scattered everywhere on your walls?"
"Okay, at least I actually stick them somewhere!" Moon groaned.
"Stickers are precious! You dont get it, stick them somewhere and it's there forever!"
"Technically you can pull them off and stick them somewhere else." I added.
"Yeah, but its not the same!! It always leaves a weird texture the last place it was and then it's doesn't stick as well to the next place!"

"I'm getting a headache!" Sun cried, moon shoved Suns shoulder.
"If anything I'M getting a headache, stop whining." Sun frowned and looked to the ground as we walked, I shot a glance at moon before taking Suns hand into mine. Suns cheeks brightened with that same light pink again, he smiled brightly and locked his eyes onto me, I smiled back. Moon roughly took my other hand, rolling his eyes. 'Jealous huh?'. Moon avoided eye contact, sun gently swung our locked hands. Everything was silent before moon finally spoke up, "you guys ready to head back?" He asked still averting eye contact with either of us, i shrugged.
"I don't care if we leave or stay, my feet kinda hurt." Sun nodded
"Yeah, I'm ready!" And it was agreed, time to head back. Although, that left me a bit saddened, I knew that I had to leave once we got back. I don't have a dorm there to stay in.

Moon parked his car in the lot, climbing out he waited for me and sun to exit before locking the doors with his key.
"Y/n wanna have a sleep over!?" Sun asked, beaming at the amazing idea.
"I don't have a dorm here." Moon raised a brow.
"Yeah, that's why he said sleep over.. You'll stay at his dorm with me and him. That's what a sleep over is." Damn, okay smartass.
"I know what a sleep over is moon." I rolled my eyes, moon snickered, sun took my hand into his hands, staring at me with bright big eyes, ah shit! Not the puppy eyes!
"Y/n pleaseee! It'll be so fun!" Sun sniffled, I had to agree.. I can't say no to those eyes. Meanwhile moon is over there staring at me with a dull expression, i could tell he was internally celebrating though.

Once we reached Suns dorm he flicked on the lights and collapsed onto his bed, snuggling into the mattress and the blankets.
"I missed youu!" He hugged his pillow, closing his eyes. "My sweet bed."
"Sun shut up." Moon said bluntly, throwing his own pillow at sun, sun shrieked, sitting up. Sun grabbed his pillow, throwing it at moon, missing him miserably by an inch. "HAH." Moon pointed at sun, he grabbed the pillow sun had thrown and shoved sun back onto the bed he abused sun with the pillow. Sun cried out, holding his head with his hands.
I shrugged and grabbed my bag from the shopping trip, I went into Suns bathroom and closed the door, locking it I changed. I walked back out to find sun fake sobbing into the mattress, moon laughing his ass off.
"Common sibling abuse." I rolled my eyes, flicking the bathroom lights off as I sat down on the edge of the bed. Moons eyes fixated on me, turning a noticeable pink. "That'll add some color to you." Moon raised a brow, oblivious of his rose cheeks. I glance behind moon, nodding slightly, just enough for moon to notice. Moon began to turn around before he was flattened to the ground with a pillow to his back.
"REVENGE!" sun laughed, he jumped onto the bed and crawled over next to me. Moon groaned on the floor.
"Fuck you both."
"You couldn't possibly mean that." I said sweetly.
"We're so kind to you!" Sun added innocently.
"Shut up." Moons voice was muffled by the ground.

1125 words
I'm pushing these chapters out fast, be prepared for major cuteness next chapter.

Our starbeam! [!!human!! sun/moon x gn y/n] [OLD/FIRST BOOK]Where stories live. Discover now