a day like any other

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This chapter is mainly y/n and the boys working, you don't have to read this chapter, it'll effect nothing if you skip reading this. I promise that I'll get to more of the relationship stuff soon, I apologize for taking so long to get into all of that.

[No ones pov]

Moon, Sun, and Y/n were excitedly preparing for the day ahead. They had a lot of work to do before the children arrived, and they were determined to make sure everything was perfect. They started by setting up the play area, making sure all the toys were clean and safe for the kids to play with.

Next, they moved on to the snack area, making sure all the snacks were ..could you say 'healthy' and ready to be served. They also set up the art station, where the children could let their creativity flow and make some fun crafts.

Finally, the moment arrived, and the children started to arrive one by one. Sun, and Y/N greeted each child with a warm smile and made sure they felt welcome. They showed them around the daycare center and introduced them to their new friends.

As the day went on, the children played games like tag and hide and seek. They laughed and had fun, and Moon, Sun, and Y/N were there to make sure everything was safe and under control.

As naptime approached, Moon took charge of putting the children to sleep. He read them a story and sang them a lullaby until they all drifted off to dreamland. Meanwhile, Sun and Y/N were busy cleaning up the play area, making sure everything was tidy and organized for when the children woke up.

When the children woke up, they were greeted with a 'healthy' snack and some fun activities to do. They painted pictures, played with sun and y/n while moon hung back and kept watch, and had fun exploring the daycare around them.

As the day started to wind down, Moon, Sun, and Y/N gathered the children together and said goodbye to them. They made sure that each child had a great day and that they were excited to come back again.

As the last child left, Moon, Sun, and Y/N took a deep breath and smiled at each other. They were exhausted but happy, knowing that they had made a difference in the lives of those children.

The room was a mess, with toys scattered everywhere and food crumbs all over the floor. But the three of them were determined to get everything cleaned up.

Moon took charge of cleaning up the toys. He gathered them all up and put them in their proper bins, making sure that everything was organized and easy to find for the next day. Meanwhile, Sun tackled the job of wiping down all of the surfaces. He sprayed down the tables and chairs with disinfectant and wiped them clean, making sure that all of the germs were gone. Y/N focused on sweeping and mopping the floor, making sure that every nook and cranny was clean and free of debris.

As they worked, the three of them chatted and laughed, enjoying the camaraderie that came from working together. They talked about their plans for the evening, and shared stories about the kids they had taken care of that day. Despite the long hours and hard work, they all loved their jobs and felt a sense of pride in the work they did.

By the time they were finished, the daycare center was spotless. The toys were neatly organized, the surfaces were gleaming, and the floor was shining. As they locked up and headed out for the evening, they all felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that they had done a great job. They knew that the parents who came to drop off their kids the next day would be impressed with how clean and organized the center was, and they felt proud to have played a part in making it that way.

Y/n said their goodbyes to sun and moon, giving them tight hugs before clocking out and heading home. Y/n drove back to their apartment complex while sun and moon headed up to their dorms, the two boys said goodnight and went their seperate ways.


9/2/23 728 words

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