sunny, focus! moon, behave.

176 7 13

Long chapter as a offer for forgiveness, the last few chapters were pretty short. Haven't been feeling too great and ideas are pretty damn dry but I still wanted to get something out there for you guys.

Enjoy 🤍

[Your pov 💫]

Sun is definitely feeling better than he was this morning, I can tell. he still hasn't told me what his dream was about, but I'm not gonna push him to tell me. He'll tell me when he's ready, i'm sure he will. Hes- I was knocked out of my train of thought when I heard a ear piercing shriek, who just got murdered? I booked it towards the sound, why is this daycare so goddamn big! Sun of course was already at the scene, panicking. "What happened?" I ask through breathes, setting my hands on my knees as I panted heavily.

[Suns pov☀]
I was cleaning up and re-ordering some (what are the distractions called..)'s that were knocked over, I got the daylight whacked into me when I heard a sudden high-pitched scream. I didn't hesitate to scramble back up to my feet and sprint off, the closer I approached the more clear the scene was. Is that, blood?! I'm gonna faint!
"Sunbeam!" I pulled the short black haired girl close and examined the gap in her teeth, she had knocked out a tooth. I heard fast steps gradually getting louder as someone stepped in.
"What happened?" The owner of the voice sounded breathy and wheezy, i turned my head to view who it was, I stopped short on a breath, my eyes locked on y/n.
"She.. She uh.." I stumbled over my words, my pulse quickened, my heartbeat racing.

(Your just sooo pretty/handsome/beautiful/pleasing to the eye, how could sunny not have a shutdown right now??)

"Oh sick, you lost a tooth!" Y/n exclaimed, taking a dollar bill out of their pocket(/wallet) and handing it to the girl. The little girl perked up with sparkles in her eyes, she looked up at y/n and thanked them with a gap in their happy smile.

I kept to my crouched position in front of the little girl, processing the situation before snapping straight back into reality. I cleared my throat and swallowed, rising back up to my feet I brushed myself off and offered the short black haired girl a tissue. She took it from my hand, holding it up to her bleeding gums. "Right let's go wash your mouth out now... Does it hurt anymore?" I cooed gently as i walked the child to the bathroom


[Your pov💫]
As I sat down in my swivel chair, I couldn't resist the urge to spin. I pushed off the ground and started rotating, I enjoyed the sensation of weightlessness as i spun around like a child. I laughed uncontrollably, feeling a rush of joy and freedom. Finally, as i slowed down, i brought my feet back to the ground and caught my breath. I smiled and glanced around the daycare, my eyes landed on sun. as I watched sun play with the children, I couldn't help but feel a deep admiration for him. He had a way of commanding attention without even trying, and his enthusiasm and confidence shone through in every word he said. His passion for his work was honestly incredible, and I found myself inspired by his drive and dedication. Despite his success, he remained humble and approachable, taking the time to listen to others and offer guidance. He was truly a remarkable person, and I felt grateful to know him. Sun looked up from the children and over to me, as we locked eyes, my heart began to race. We both knew what was happening, but neither could control it. The intensity of the gaze was overwhelming, and i felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment. I and sun each tried to look away, our eyes would involuntarily dart back to one another. The air was thick with tension. This was not the first time we had shared a moment like this, but each time it happened, it felt just as electrifying as the last. Finally, sun managed to break the awkward eye contact and turn his attention back to the children, his face turning a bright pink. I felt felt my own cheeks heating up.

(I've experienced very awkward eye contact like this more than once🙏)

"That was really hard to watch." Moon snickered from behind, i spun around in my swivel chair to face him. I furrowed my brows and crossed my arms, moon raised his hands up to his chest in a surrendering manner. "You look pissed, what'd I do?" Moon questioned innocently fluttering his eyes. "Don't put me in timeout mx. Y/n!" I got up from my chair and flicked moonsforehead, moon slightly shook his head before he took off his hat and pulled it down over my eyes, he then proceeded to scoop me up and sprint off.

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