moving in

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(Picture above will make sense once you read, also isn't moons bed head just wonderful)

[Your pov💫]

I slowly opened my eyes, feeling the warmth of the two beside me. I slowly sat up to make sure I didn't wake up either of them, even though I probably should. I rubbed my eyes, and took a deep breath. It was time to start my day.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up, feeling the cold wooden floor beneath my feet. I walked over to the window, opened the curtains, and let the sunlight fill the room. I smiled, feeling energized and ready for the day ahead.

(Do you, though?)

I walked to the bathroom, turning on the shower and adjusting the temperature. I stepped in, feeling the (prefered/temptature) water wash over my body, relaxing my muscles. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, enjoying the sensation of the water on my skin.

(Or you could be like a total cat and hate it. Headcanon moon loves cats;3)

After a few minutes, i turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel and drying off. I wrapped the towel around my body and walked back to my bedroom, opening my closet and taking my uniform for work.

I walked back into the bathroom, closed it and locked it.

I put on my uniform, making sure everything was neatly tucked in. I checked my appearance in the mirror.

(Poses hotly/j)

"You look nice." I felt a sudden hand on my shoulder causing me to jump, I whipped around, there stood moon. "Just like the first time we met, scaring the crap out of me." I said, moon snickered and put his hands up.  "Intentionally or not." I rolled my eyes at his comment and glanced up at his hair, I cracked (laughed). "We gotta fix that, come on, bed head."

I grabbed moons hand and pulled him into the bathroom and sat him down on a stool in front of the mirror then I grabbed a brush. "If you hurt me I'm going to tell sun." Moon threatened. "Who's side do you think he's gonna take, moony?" I inquired, putting the handle of the brush under moons chin and tilting his head up. (Tne picture!!) His face flushed and he smacked the brush away. "Fuck you." He mumbled. "Not a morning person, huh?"

"Sun wake your ass up we gotta go." Moon grabbed a pillow and slapped it against Suns face, he shot up. "Moon what the fluff!!" almost immediately he clamped a hand over his mouth, glaring at moon. Moon extended his middle finger towards sun, "whatever, let's go." He kicked sun off of the bed and dragged him by his shirt collar. "Bye y/n." Moon called, sun gasped.

sun broke free from moon and rushed back to me, enveloping me in a tight embrace. I returned the hug with a soft smile.

Sun pulled away from the hug and gifted me a quick peck on the cheek before rushing back to moon. "Bye sunshine!!!" Moon rolled his eyes and kissed my other cheek before pushing sun and himself out of my apartment. Almost right after the door shut I got a notification, I opened my phone and tapped the message. "I miss you :((" -sunny


[Suns pov☀]

I was changed into my costume, laying on the floor. "Moony when is y/n gonna be here?" I inquired, sitting up and watching moon pace around the room. "I dunno, they'll be here when they get here." He shrugged, I frowned and dropped back against the patted floor. "Why didn't they come with us? They were already in their uniform!" Moon groaned. "Sun, be patient. If you miss them that much why don't you just message them?" I looked down at my phone, "I already did."


"I miss you :(("
11:12 am
                               "I miss you 2 sunny!"
                                                  11:14 am

"Moon told me to tell you that he said he loves you, I LOVE YOU TOO!!!"
11:27 am
                     "Pfft, I love you guys too!!"
                                                   11:28 am
"Y/nnnn???? We're here now"
11:31 am

"Moon looks kinda depressed send lol"
11:37 am

11:39 am

"Y/nn?? When are you gonna be here..."
11:43 am

11:45 am

"ARE YOU DEAD!??!?!!"
11:48 am

[Missed call]


[Missed call (2)]

[Missed call (3)]

11:56 am
                   "Sorry sunny my phone died, must've forgot to charge it last night."
                                                11:59 am

12:00 am
                                                     12:00 am

"Sun said you scared him, be more responsible and charge your damn phone you rat. -moon"
12:01 am

12:01 am

12:02 am
                          "It's okay sunny, I'll be at the Plex in 5, I'm letting my phone charge for a bit! Xx"
                                                     12:02 am
12:04 am

12:05 am

12:05 am


"Y/NNN!!!" I sat up and hurried to my feet, booking it towards the ball pit. I almost fell once or twice, running in a ball pit is not easy. I jumped onto y/n, hugging them tightly. "I missed you so so so so SO much!!!" I placed kisses around their face, giving them another squeeze.

"hi sunny!" They said, "I missed your voice too.. I missed you!!" Moon tugged me back by my shirt collar. "Sun give them some space, god damn." then moon hugged them, ugh!! "Meanie!" I crossed my arms.

[Moons pov🌙]

I pulled away from the hug and picked up y/n, walking out of the ball pit I set them on their feet.

"You know that I can walk on my own, right?" They turned to me, I shrugged. "Yeah but it just means I get to hold you longer." I replied with a smile.

Sun gasped. "Y/n!! I forgot to tell you, today's the day you know if you're moving in or not!!!" Sun hugged y/n again, literally does he ever get off of. Them?

Anddd.. Chapter end, I should probably go eat breakfast. Then I'll write another chapter, or two.. Or.. Three.. Hope you enjoyed!!! Stay safe my friends!

9/4/23 1063 words

Our starbeam! [!!human!! sun/moon x gn y/n] [OLD/FIRST BOOK]Where stories live. Discover now