transformation Part 4

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after meeting fans yesturday night ivan he felt hungray and tired of course so he heads back to his fiv finger death punch bus as he says im fucking hungry ugh as ivan opens the fridge and started t eat raw deer and hamburgar meat as well too as ivans face had blood all over it now as ivan says i need more food as thats when ivan he saw a full moon as he looks at it as h says to himself its so bright i could look at it all night as ivan feels pain hit him in his chest as ivan grips his chest now tho as ivan says fuck under his breath as ivan says whats argggggh happening to me he says in alot of pain as black claws come ut of his fingenails now tho as ivan imidently screams in pain now as ivan he was changing tho of course as he has black demon horns come out of his head now tho of course as he screams yet again tho as later he roars loudly as ivan was alot bigger now tho as he was not himself anymore as that was not good as ivan destroys the fridge tho now as he breaks it tho now as ivan later runs in the woods now as a werewolf demon kaiju now as deers get murderd of course tho really by a huge monster witch is a werewolf demon kaiju tho of course really as multipule deers was murderd and scratched up and eaten taking huge chunks out of their body tho as ivan he howls at the moon now tho as tonight he was not himself tho really as he was a monster now tho as the next day comes as ivan he woke up in a lake and stream tho of water coverd in mud and blood and leaves tho now as ivan he says where am i what happend and why are my clothes all ripped up as ivan looks around as ivan he washes the blood off of him of course and cleaned himself up as ivan runs to the bus now and changed clothes as ivan scrolls on his phone noticing crystal the girl that he meet at meet and greets she liked the photos from the concert he peformed at in her town tho of course as he smiled tho a little  bit as ivan says so in a few days im heading to the next state witch is texas tho so i know its going to be hot tho of course but thats fine tho really ivan said to himself as ivan says to himself whats happeening to me am i going crazy or something he says to himself thinking of that on the bus not sure what was happening to him tho really anyways for now as he stays thinking about what he did last night with the deers tho as ivan he decided to drink a beer and stay in his thoughts tho really about the deer incident in the woods of course tho

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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