Its been a few days since I started school back. Nick posted the wednesday video. For the wednesday video they did a vlog of trying different ice cream flavors they never heard of, and then doing a few challenges. Last car video they had asked their fans if they want me to be in the next car video and most of them did. Nick decided that we would film it a couple hours before 12 in the morning after I get out of school tomorrow. I have been in a few vlogs and probably about one car video I wasn't really a fan of being on camera, but I really love posting pictures. I like doing videos with them because when we do them we get to spend time with eachother.
I just got back from school. I was taking a nap in my room when all of a sudden I got cold water dumped on me. I shot up and jumped out of bed just standing there freezing. I look up to see Nick and Chris standing there laughing. I was mad, but I wasn't going to let them know that instead I opened my arms and said "Oh Chrissy, Nicky, come here give me a big hug!" while I was soaked. They started running and yelling for Matt. "Matt! Natalie is being so mean to me and Nick." Chris says as he is running into the kitchen with Nick behind him. "Nick, Chris! Just give me a hug!" I say walking into the kitchen. They both hide behind Matt. "Here I will protect you." Matt says to them. He then backs them into a corner "protecting" them. He then says "Okay Nat do whatever you want with them." As I walk towards them They start to try and escape but Matt blocks them. I slip by Matt giving Chris a big hug. Nick eventually slips out and runs to his room yelling "It was Chris' idea!" it most likely was so I let him go. When i got done hugging Chris he had a giant wet spot on his shirt. "Im going to go change thanks to Natalie." he said while playfully rolling his eyes. "You did that to yourself." I said to him.
"Matt you are officially my favorite brother." I say turning to him and making sure Chris could hear. "Hey!" I heard Chris say. "Heyyy!" I said back. "And you are my favorite sister." Matt says back, finally saying something. "Shut up Matt thats not fair." I tell him walking back to my room. "I was expecting a 'Thank you Matt! You are the most handsome brother out of you, Chris, and Nick!' none of that?" he asked. I look at him then roll my eyes and kept heading to my room. when I get there I saw my entire bed soaked. I took off the pillows, sheets, and blankets and took them to the laundry room. On my way I saw Nick coming out of his room. "Here let me help you." Nick says. "Why?" I ask. "Because that was partially my fault." "You know what? It was." I say throwing him my wet bed sheets, blankets, and pillows. "You can do that while i go take a shower." I say smiling at him. "Okay whatever." he says. After I take my warm shower, I get a towel and and dry up as much as I can on the mattress. The towel didnt get everything so I went to Chris' room and knocked on his door. He opened it and when he saw me he closed the door but not all the way it was cracked to where he could see me. "I just wanted to ask if I could use your hairdryer." "Um sure." he says hesitantly. He closes the door then a few moments later he opens it to were he could fit his hand through and give it to me. "Thank you, I will bring it back in a second." I tell him. "Okay." he says closing his door again.
I finished drying my mattress and decided to dry my hair with it. I usually just let my hair air dry but I decided to try something different since I had the chance. When I finished drying my hair it looked really fluffy. I went back to Chris' room so I can give him his hair dryer back. A few seconds after I knocked I heard him say "Come in!" I walked over to him laying on his bed in his Fresh Love hoodie and some basketball shorts. "Here is your hair dryer." I say "Okay, you can put it over there." he said pointing to his dresser. "Why do you keep it on the dresser?" I asked. He shrugged and then said "Your hair looks good when it's fluffy." "Thank you!" I tell him then walk to the laundry room to see if Nick had put my bed sheets and stuff in the dryer yet. It was still washing so I went to the living room to watch a movie. Matt was on the couch scrolling through tiktok. I grabbed the remote from next to Matt since he obviously wasn't using it. I then decided to finish watching Money Heist. Eventually I got bored and decided to text Aurora.
Hey you busy?
No whats up
Do you want to come over?
Okay I will ask Matt to drive me to your house to come pick you up!!
See you in 20!
"Matt can you drive me to pick up Aurora?" he finally looks up at me. He didn't pay me any attention when I first sat down. And he noticed my hair and said "Oh your hair it looks great!"
"Thank you." I say "But can you?" "Can I what?"
"Drive me to pick up Ary?" "Sure." he says getting up to get the keys to the van.A/N: Thank you to everyone who has read my story. I would have posted way earlier but I fell asleep. Then I got bored when I woke up. This chapter was 994 words. Im sorry if I made any errors I do try my best to make sure I spell things right. Thank you for reading! And dont forget to follow HttpsTrinityy She also helps to write this story!!

Younger (A Sturniolo Triplets Fanfiction)
FanfictionNatalie Sturniolo is the youngest sibling and this is her story about her life as the Sturniolo triplets younger sister. ⚠️MILD LANGUAGE⚠️