When we got inside we went to check in. I told the receptionist at the front desk what was happening. She took my blood pressure and all that boring stuff. She then told us to go sit in the waiting room. There was a couch against the wall so me and Nate decided to sit there. The waiting room was empty except for a old couple. I put my elbow on the arm rest and rested my head on my hand. Nate had took off his hat that he had been wearing and started fidgeting with it. Around 5 minutes later I hear a nurse call out "Natalie Sturniolo," Me and Nate got up and walked over to her. "Right this way." she says leading us through a door into a hallway. "Here is your room, the doctor will be with you shortly." she said while sliding a clipboard into a plastic slot near the door. "Ok, thank you." I say.
I sit on the hospital bed while Nate stands looking around the room. "What are you doing?" I asked him. "Just looking," he said. "You don't want to sit down?" I asked. "In a little." he replied. I tryed to lay back but the hospital bed was leaned all the way up. "Do you want me to put it down for you?" he asked me. "Yes, please" he walks over and puts his foot on something and pushes the bed down. "That good?" he asked. "Yeah, thank you." I reply. "Do you want the TV remote?" he asked reaching behind the bed to grab it. "Sure, thanks I forgot to bring my phone." I say. "Do you need to call or text someone? If so you can use my phone." "No it's ok, thanks though."
When the doctor comes in he introduced himself, and asked me questions about why I was there. He also brought some swabs to see if I had a virus or something like that. After he swabbed me he said it would take about 45 minutes for the results. When he left I asked Nate, "Do you want to watch a movie?" "Yeah, sure what movie?" "You choose," I told him handing him the remote.
"No you can choose." he said. "Fine, do you want to watch a Disney movie?" I asked him. "Sure," he said. "Can we watch Big Hero 6?!" I gasped turning to Nate. "Why not?" he said. I turned the movie on and waited till the doctor came back in. About 30 minutes into the movie the doctor comes in. I pause the movie and he says "So, the test results came back quicker than expected. And it seems like you just have a cold that should go away in a few days. If it gets any worse you could come back and we could look more into it. So the only thing you need to do is take some Tylenol and Advil and you should be better soon." "Ok thank you so much." I said. "We should be back with your discharge papers soon." he said walking out of the room."Well this would be the fastest I have ever been out of the hospital." I told Nate. "Yeah, they must not have a lot of patients today." he replied. I unpaused the movie. About 20 more minutes later a nurse comes in and has me sign papers. After I signed them she gave me my discharge papers and said we were good to go, and then she left the room. "We didn't even get to finish the movie, thats how fast they were today." I exclaim as me and Nathan walk out of the room and down the hallway. "Yeah, its kind of crazy, I have never been in and out of a hospital so fast before." he said.
Nate called Matt when we got outside and told him we were ready to be picked up. When he was done talking we went and sat down on a bench and waited for Matt. While we waited me and Nate were watching tiktoks on his phone. After about 30 minutes, Matt picked us up.
"Hey, that was fast. Like really fast." Matt said as me and Nate go in the van. "Yea, they weren't that busy." I replied. "Did they tell you what was wrong?" he asked. "They said I just have a cold and to take Tylenol and Advil." "Alright do you know if we have any?" he asked. "I took the last Advil pill earlier." I said. "Okay, we will go to CVS."
When we got to CVS Nate got out of the van and went inside with me. We went to the aisle and got the Advil bottle and then went to checkout. "Crap, I didn't bring my wallet." I told Nate as I patted my pants pockets. "Thats okay," he said. "I will pay you back when we get home." I told him. "No, that's okay, you're good." "Are you sure?" I asked him. "Yea, it's fine, really." "Okay," I said as we headed to the van. When we got home I went straight to my room. I decided to rest for a little more. A few hours later I woke up crying. I always cried when I was really not feeling well, I don't know why. I got up wiping my tears to go downstairs and when I opened the door Nate was about to knock on my door. "Hey- were you crying?" he asked as he pulled me into a hug. "Yea, I just do that when i'm really sick. I think I got a little worse." I say as I pull away from the hug. "Oh okay, Matt is about to take me home. I hope you feel better. I might come over again tomorrow." he said. "Okay, bye see you next time." I say. As we walk downstairs. "Bye, feel better." he says. "Thank you," I say, as he walks out the door after Matt.
"Hey Nick," I say walking into the kitchen. "Hey, how do you feel?" "Worse," I say. "Oh well I hope you are feeling better in two weeks." "Two weeks? Why two weeks?" I asked clearly confused. He just gave me a ominous look with his fingers tapping on the table. "Nick, just tell me. What is in two weeks?" I say as he rolls his eyes. "We are going to Hawaii!" Nick said loudly. "Hawaii, really?!" I exclaimed. "Yup, we're going to Hawaii." Nick said.
A/N: Hey guys dont forget HttpsTrinityy helps with this story so make sure to go follow her!!

Younger (A Sturniolo Triplets Fanfiction)
FanfictionNatalie Sturniolo is the youngest sibling and this is her story about her life as the Sturniolo triplets younger sister. ⚠️MILD LANGUAGE⚠️