When Matt got there and I got in Nick handed me a large Coke and a six peice chicken nugget box. "Thank you! Im starving I havent ate all day!" I say. "What about at lunch?" Chris asks. "School lunch is disgusting have you seen what they serve here?!" I ask. "She has a point." Matt says. "Thank you!" I reply. "Okay so we are going to go home and Nat you are going to change and then we could head to the mall." Matt says. "Alright."
When we get home I jump out of the car grab all my stuff and run inside. I throw away my empty nugget box and head to my room. I put all my stuff down and grab some clothes. I take a shower then when im done I get my purse and my phone. And head to Matts room. "Oh Mattyyyy im ready, lets go!" "Ok go get Chris and Nick ask them if they want to come too." "Ok" I say. I get to Chris' room and start knocking and banging on his door. "What do you want?" Chris says as he opens his door. "Matt wants me to ask if you want to go to the mall with us?" "Sure just give me a second let me put on some shoes." "Alright hurry up the mall closes at 10pm." I say while heading to Nicks room. I start knocking and banging on Nicks door too. But no one answers I slowly opened his door and he wasnt there. "Who keeps making all that noise!?" I heard someone yell from the kitchen.
I ran to the kitchen where I saw Nick getting a bottle of water from the fridge. "Sorry, I was just wondering if you wanted to go to the mall?" "Natalie dont ever ask me a stupid question like that again." Nick says "So is that a no?" "OF COURSE IM GOING TO GO TO THE MALL!" Nick shouts. "Shut up Nick." I hear Matt say as he is walking into the kitchen with Chris trailing behind him. "Are you guys ready?" Matt asks. "YES NOW HURRY UP!" I shout. "Ok head to the van Matt says. "Oh so you arent going to get mad at her for yelling?!" Nick exclaims. "Nope." Matt says plainly. Nick rolls his eyes. "Guys hurry up the mall is going to be closed by the time we get there!" I complain. "Its only 5:30 Nat it closes at 10 calm down." Nick says. As we get into the car Nick gets aux and plays Doja Cat.
When we get to the mall I go into Forever 21 and buy some clothes. Well.. Matt bought me some clothes because i only have $13.26. But we then get food at a chinese restaurant. We all sat down to eat. And guess who I see.. "AURORA!" I call out "NAT!" she calls back. Aurora walks over towards us and sits down. "Hey Ary." I say "Hey Nat." she says back. "What are you guys doing here?" she asks. "Matt promised me we could go to the mall after school if I didnt text him to come get me." "Oh thats nice!" "Hey guys do think I can come over Friday?" she asks. Before i can say anything Matt answers her "Sure! we have no plans Friday." he says. "Ok thank you guys!"
We hang out for a little while and took some pictures and posted them.
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Liked by matthew.sturniolo and 56,917 others nataliesturniolo Saw Ary at the mall today❤️ @aurorayorii matthew.sturniolo 🔥🔥🔥 aurorayoriiToday was so fun🫶🏼 Veiw all 7,643 comments
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Liked by christophersturniolo and 338,649 others nicolassturniolo Natalie looks so pretty🤩 @nataliesturniolo nataliesturniolo NICK WHY DID YOU MAKE MY FOREHEAD LOOK SO BIG?! christophersturniolo Nat. ur forehead is always that big. Veiw all 12,392 comments
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Liked by nicolassturniolo and 423,258 others christophersturniolo Feeling pretty😩 matthew.sturniolo You always look pretty Chrissy😫😍 nataliesturniolo You are pretty Chrissy😩🔥 stxrnii.fann Chris' own siblings simping over him makes this 10x better😭 Veiw all 302,317 comments
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Liked by aurorayorii and 459,628 others matthew.sturniolo props to @aurorayorii for being an awesome photographer🫡🔥 aurorayorii It came out better than expected😳 christophersturniolo Matty B looking so cute😓 nicolassturniolo This is such a good picture! Veiw all 263,487 comments
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Liked by matthew.sturniolo and 68,742 others aurorayorii @nataliesturniolo with our kid Jeremy🥹🤞❤️ nataliesturniolo Jeremy is so precious🥹 nicolassturniolo IM AN UNCLE!!❤️ Veiw all 3,421 comments
We had to leave Ary to go home. But I think something is going on between Matt and Aurora I see the way they look at each other. I think im going to wait to confront them though. Right now I have to change and get ready for bed I have school tomorrow.
A/N: Hey guys, thank you to everyone who had read my story so far i get so happy once i see more people have veiwed my story! This chapter I used 795 words! Let me know if you want a longer chapter. Also dont forget to follow HttpsTrinityy she is also helping with this story!