Prologue : When Despair Transforms to Hope

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[??? POV]

   I wiped my face from the sweat dripping. "Goodness, this took me so long to finish," I pause. "hopefully it'll be worth it in the end, fufufu..."

   As I lightly dropped my things I were holding, I stared at the time, "Ah," I chuckle softly, "It's quite late... About 03:00."

   "This wouldn't have been much of a problem if I didn't have school in the next few hours..." I murmur as I start cleaning my things up.

   "I have a test tomorrow as well..." I say as I start putting my supplies away.

   "Yeah... I should get some rest." I chuckle once more before exiting the garage and back to my bedroom.

   Once I returned to my room, I started to get ready to fall asleep... I usually take a while to fall asleep, but this time I fell asleep faster than usual.

   Perhaps it were from working on that thing so much...? Mmm, it may not matter...

[Timeskip — 06:50]

   I head out my front door after preparing for school again. I see [REDACTED] outside of my place.

   Wow... [REDACTED] looks a lot more tired than usual. I kind of wonder if [REDACTED] is all right.

   "Good morning, [REDACTED]." I greet [REDACTED] with a smile. [REDACTED] stares back at me.

   "Morning [REDACTED]," [REDACTED] greeted me, "you look awfully tired. Did you stay up late working on something again?"

   I nervously chuckle. "I can say the same to you," I pause nervously. "but y0v don't usuall yyyyy w04|< 0N th1NNgs. Was it GG4M3zzz or s0|\/|3+|-|1NGgg?"

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I suddenly don't remember what happened after that... It was a blur, gone; the memory felt distant.

Just what happened?

[??? POV]

My eyes flutter open. I look up from where I was sitting. Seeing how I was greeted with an unfamiliar sight gave me... a ton of anxiety.

"Were I kidnapped?" I ask myself quietly. Then I nervously laugh. "Hahaha! Me? I, Tenma Tsukasa, kidnapped...?!"

I started spouting nonsense to cope with the horrific-inducing reality that laid in front of me.

"Oh! Ahaha! This is a dream, right?" I say loudly, hoping that it was a dream...

"If I pinch myself," I pause as I put my right hand to my cheek, "I'll wake up—!" I pinch my cheek, but all I was greeted with was pain.

I let out a blood curdling scream feeling an immense pain run through my cheek!

"This... ain't a dream?" I ask myself, starting to feel my anxiety fill me.

"Ha! This is a prank, right?" I say loudly. "Just another one of Akito's pranks!" I cross my arms happily.

"Surely, I can't be kidnapped, right?" I repeat another question. I go silent again.

"If this is a prank," I pause, having an expression filled with nervousness and shock, "Why does it feel so real?"

Suddenly, a high pitched voice comes running at me.

"TSUKASA-KUN!!" It yelled. I flinched hearing the voice, but it sounded very familiar... Could it be...?!

I turned to the direction where the voice was and before I know it, I was tackled to the ground beneath me.

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