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A/U : I took creative license on Ryan Clarke in this story, his Golem is powerful as is his wolf and vampire. I made him my own supernatural creature. :)))

Klaus looked around at the small town of his birth totally disoriented, he felt misplaced and had no idea why he was here. He had been here three days and yesterday as he walked around the town again he had seen Katerina...or thought it was Katerina but the girl had glanced at him as he walked past her she smelt differently to Katerina her very human heart did not speed up in terror and her brown eyes held no fear of him as she glanced at him turning to talk to her friends again. A doppelganger, a Tatia, Katerina doppelganger and would have felt purposeful if he were not already a hybrid. He had no recollection of breaking the curse but he was definitely a hybrid he had compelled himself a car driven out of town and had shifted with ease, so much ease he felt as though the bones, ligaments, muscles and sinews of his body had done this hundreds of times.

And he couldn't leave the town it was like he was drawn here for some inextricable reason he could not fathom or discern, so he left the bed and breakfast inn he was staying at each morning and walked around the town hoping something or someone would stand out to him and thought of his siblings, he didn't know where any of them were he couldn't remember anything of his time before waking up in the woods here, he knew he was a hybrid he knew he was an original he remembered his family history but up until about a century in the past it was blank, he should go to New Orleans that is what he last remembered or had memories on but, he couldn't shake the feeling as though he must be here.

And he couldn't leave the town it was like he was drawn here for some inextricable reason he could not fathom or discern, so he left the bed and breakfast inn he was staying at each morning and walked around the town hoping something or someone wo...

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He looked up to see a slender radiant dazzling beauty with long brunette wavy hair and the most stunning hazel green eyes he had ever seen on a woman, walking towards on the footpath, looking around her with confusion and he kept walking to her, she glanced at him her head coming back to centre from looking over at the park in the centre of town, he stopped in front of her, "You look lost," Hazel eyes swept over him and she looked into cerulean eyes, her body having a visceral reaction to the handsome british guy.

"I am, to tell you the truth," Her voice dropped, "I have no idea why I am here, or how I am here." She admitted softly, he leaned in closer to her, her scent captivating him.

"I will let you in on a secret, I have no idea why I'm here or how either." She looked at him to see if he was mocking her but he looked and sounded sincere. And he wondered why he would share such vulnerable information with a woman he had just met.

"That is really strange, do you know who you are?"

"I do Klaus Mikaelson," Waiting for some reaction, fear, disgust, terror, loathing acknowledgment that she had heard of him, but nothing, she just continued to look at him with those beautiful hazel eyes.

"I'm Hayley Marshall nice to meet you Klaus, that is an unusual name, how long have you been here?"

"Third day, I feel like I have been waiting for something or someone, I think it was you that feeling has left me now." He confided, drawn to this woman, trusting her. She smiled, at his open admission feeling safe with him for some reason and trusting him which baffled her, she trusted so few.

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